GPFS-based configuration

This topic describes the procedure for integrating cloud service metrics with the performance monitoring tool by using GPFS-based configuration.

  1. On the Cloud services nodes, copy the following files from /opt/ibm/MCStore/config folder to /opt/IBM/zimon folder:
    • TCTDebugDbStats
    • TCTDebugLweDestroyStats
    • TCTFsetGpfsConnectorStats
    • TCTFsetIcstoreStats
    • TCTFsGpfsConnectorStats
    • TCTFsIcstoreStats
  2. Register the sensor in the GPFS configuration by storing the following snippet in the MCStore-sensor-definition.cfg file:
        # Transparent cloud
    tiering statistics
        name = "TCTDebugDbStats"
        period = 10
        type = "Generic"
         #Transparent cloud
    tiering statistics
         name = "TCTDebugLweDestroyStats"
         period = 10
         type = "Generic"
        #Transparent cloud
    tiering statistics
        name = "TCTFsetGpfsConnectorStats"
        period = 10
        type = "Generic"
        #Transparent cloud
    tiering statistics
        name = "TCTFsetIcstoreStats"
        period = 10
        type = "Generic"
         #Transparent cloud
    tiering statistics
         name = "TCTFsGpfsConnectorStats"
         period = 10
         type = "Generic"
        #Transparent cloud
    tiering statistics
        name = "TCTFsIcstoreStats"
        period = 10
        type = "Generic"
  3. Run this command:
    prompt# mmperfmon config add --sensors MCStore-sensor-definition.cfg      
    Note: The sensor definition file can list multiple sensors separated by commas (,).

For more information on GPFS-based configuration, see mmperfmon command.