mmobj command

Manages configuration of Object protocol service, and administers storage policies for object storage, unified file and object access, and multi-region object deployment.


mmobj swift base -g GPFSMountPoint --cluster-hostname CESHostName
                    [-o ObjFileset] [-i MaxNumInodes] [--ces-group CESGroup]
                    {{{--local-keystone [--db-password Password] [--admin-token Token]}
                    | [--remote-keystone-url URL} [--configure-remote-keystone]}
                    --admin-password Password [--admin-user AdminUser] 
                    [--swift-user SwiftUser ] [--swift-password SwiftPassword]
                    Start of change[--pwd-file [PasswordFile]]End of change
                    [--enable-file-access] [--enable-s3]  [--enable-multi-region]
                    [--join-region-file RegionFile] [--region-number RegionNumber] 


mmobj config list --ccrfile CCRFile [--section Section [--property PropertyName]] Start of change[-Y]End of change


mmobj config change --ccrfile CCRFile --section Section --property PropertyName --value Value


mmobj config change --ccrfile CCRFile --merge-file MergeFile


mmobj config  manage --version-sync


mmobj policy list [{--policy-name PolicyName | --policy-function PolicyFunction}] [--verbose] Start of change[-Y]End of change


mmobj policy create PolicyName [-f FilesetName]
[--file-system FilesystemName] [-i MaxNumInodes] 
{[--enable-compression --compression-schedule CompressionSchedule]} 
{[--enable-encryption --encryption-keyfile EncryptionKeyFileName [--force-rule-append]]}


mmobj policy change PolicyName --default


mmobj policy change PolicyName --deprecate State


mmobj policy change --add-local-region 


mmobj policy change --remove-region-number RegionNumber


mmobj policy change --compression-schedule CompressionSchedule


mmobj file-access enable


mmobj file-access disable [--objectizer]
mmobj file-access objectize
{ --object-path ObjectPath    
| --storage-policy PolicyName  
[ --account-name AccountName
[ --container-name ContainerName 
[ --object-name ObjectName  ]]]}
[ -N | --node NodeName ]


mmobj file-access link-fileset 
--sourcefset-path FilesetPath 
--account-name AccountName 
--container-name ContainerName 
--fileaccess-policy-name PolicyName 


mmobj multiregion list  Start of change[-Y]End of change


mmobj multiregion enable 


mmobj multiregion export --region-file RegionFile 


mmobj multiregion import --region-file RegionFile 


mmobj multiregion remove --region-number RegionNumber --force  


Start of change
mmobj s3 enable
End of change


Start of change
mmobj s3 disable
End of change


Start of change
mmobj s3 list Start of change[-Y]End of change
End of change


Available on all IBM Spectrum Scale™ editions.


Use the mmobj command to modify and change the Object protocol service configuration, and to administer storage policies for Object Storage, unified file and Object access, and multi-region Object deployment.

Note: The mmobj config list and the mmobj config change commands are used to list and change the configuration values for the underlying Swift service that is stored in the Cluster Configuration Repository (CCR).
At least one CES IP address is required in the node running the mmobj swift base command to set object_singleton_node and object_database_node attributes.
  • The node with the object_database_node attribute runs the keystone database.
  • The node with the object_singleton_node attribute runs unique object services across the CES cluster.
You can verify the address by using the mmces address list. The IP address can be added by using the mmces address add command.

If there is an existing Object authentication that is configured, use the mmuserauth service remove --data-access-method object command to remove the Object authentication. Then, use the mmces service disable OBJ command to perform the necessary cleanup before running the mmobj swift base command again.

Object authentication can be either local or remote. If the Object authentication is local, the Keystone identity service and the Keystone database will be running in and handled by the CES cluster. If the Object authentication is remote, the Keystone server must be fully configured and running before Object services are installed.

In the unified file and Object access environment, the ibmobjectizer service files that are created used for making files from the file interfaces, such as POSIX, NFS, and CIFS accessible through Object interfaces, such as curl and SWIFT. The ibmobjectizer service runs periodically and makes files available for the Object interface. The file-access parameter of the mmobj command can be used to enable and disable the file-access capability and the ibmobjectizer service. The ibmobjectizer service runs on the CES IP address with the object_singleton_node attribute.

In a data lake environment, you can access files that are already stored in an existing fileset through Object interface through swift or curl by using the mmobj file-access link-filesetcommand. This command can be used to make the existing fileset data accessible under a unified file and Object access storage policy container. By default, this command allows the existing fileset to have Object access without updating the container and metadata. However, you can use the --update-listing option to update container listing with files that are existing in the linked fileset.If the --update-listing option of the mmobj file-access link-fileset command is used, then the sourcefset-path must be the exact fileset junction path and the fileset must be derived from the Object file system.
Note: The mmobj file-access link-fileset command does not enable and disable the unified file and Object access feature. It is only used to link the existing filesets to provide Object access. Unlinking the Object access-enabled filesets is not supported.


Configures the underlying Swift services:
Specifies the configuration of the Object protocol service.
-g GPFSMountPoint
Specifies the mount path of the GPFS™ file system that is used by Swift.
GPFSMountPoint is the mount path of the GPFS file system that is used by the Object store.
--cluster-hostname CESHostName
Specifies the host name that is used to return one of the CES IP addresses. The returned CES IP address is used in the endpoint for the identity and Object-store values stored in Keystone.
CESHostName is the value for cluster host name that is used in the identity and Object-store endpoint definitions in Keystone. Ideally, the host name is a host name that returns one the CES IP addresses, such as a round-robin DNS. It might also be a fixed IP of a load balancer that distributes requests to one of the CES nodes. It is not recommended to use an ordinary CES IP since all identity and Object-store requests would be routed to the single node with that address and might cause performance issues.
Specifies that a new Keystone server be installed and configured locally in the cluster.
--db-password Password
Specifies the password for the 'keystone' user in the postgres database. Defaults to the value for --admin-password.
--admin-user User
Specifies the name of the admin user in Swift. The default value is admin.
--admin-password Password
Specifies the password to be used when creating the administrator user in Keystone.
--admin-token Token
Specifies the admin token to be used for the initial Keystone setup. If it is not specified, a random string is used.
--swift-user User
Specifies the user for the Swift services. The default value is swift.
--swift-password Password
Specifies the password for the Swift user. The default value is the password value from --admin-password.
Start of change--pwd-file PasswordFileEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies the file that contains the administrative user passwords that are used for Object access protocol authentication configuration. You must save the password file under /var/mmfs/ssl/keyServ/tmp on the node from which you are running the command. The password file is a security-sensitive file that must have the following characteristics:
  • It must be a regular file.
  • It must be owned by the root user.
  • Only the root user must have permission to read or write it.
The password file for Object protocol configuration must have the following format:
In the example above:
Indicates the stanza name for the object protocol.
Specifies the Keystone administrator's password.
Specifies the Swift user's password. If not specified, this value defaults to the Keystone administrator's password.
Specifies the password for the Keystone user in the postgres database. If not specified, this value defaults to the Keystone administrator's password.
End of change
--remote-keystone-url URL
Specifies the URL to an existing Keystone service.
Start of changeSpecifies that when you use a remote Keystone and configure the remote Keystone as necessary. The required users, roles and endpoints that are needed by the Swift services are added to the Keystone server. Keystone authentication information needs to be specified with the --admin-password or the --admin-token flag to enable the configuration. If this flag is not specified, the remote Keystone is not modified and the administrator will need to add the appropriate entries for the Swift configuration after the installation is complete.End of change
-o ObjFileset
Specifies the name of the fileset to be created in GPFS for the Object Storage.
ObjFileset is the name of the independent fileset that will be created for the Object store. By default, object_fileset is created.
Specifies the maximum number of inodes for the Object fileset.
The maximum number of inodes for the Object fileset. By default, 8000000 is set.
Specifies the CES group that contains the IP addresses to be used for the Swift ring files. This allows you to specify a subset of the overall collection of CES IP addresses to be used by the object protocol.
Sets the s3 capability (Amazon S3 API support) to true. By default, S3 API is not enabled.
Sets the file-access capability initially to true. Further configuration is still necessary by using the mmobj file-access command. By default, the file-access capability is not enabled.
Sets the multi-region capability initially to true. By default, multi-region capability is not enabled.
--join-region-file RegionFile
Specifies that this object installation joins an existing object multi-region Swift cluster. RegionFile is the region data file created by the mmobj multiregion export command from the existing multi-region cluster.
Note: The use of the --configure-remote-keystone flag is recommended so that the region-specific endpoints for this region are automatically created in Keystone.
--region-number RegionNumber
Specifies the Swift region number for this cluster. If it is not specified, the default value is to 1. In a multi-region configuration, this flag is required and must be a unique region number that is not used by another region in the multi-region environment.
Administers the Object configuration:
Lists configuration values of the underlying Swift or Keystone service stored in the CCR.
--section Section
Retrieves values for the specified section only.
The section is the heading that is enclosed in brackets ([]) in the associated configuration file.
--property PropertyName
Retrieves values for the specified property only.
Note: Start of changeUse the -Y parameter to display the command output in a parseable format with a colon (:) as a field delimiter. End of change
Enables modifying Swift or Keystone configuration files. After you modify the configuration files, the CES monitoring framework downloads them from the CCR and distributes them to all the CES nodes in the cluster. The framework also automatically restarts the services that depend on the modified configuration files.
Note: It is recommended to not directly modify the configuration files in /etc/swift and /etc/keystone folders as they can be overwritten at any time by the files that are stored in the CCR.
--section Section
Specifies the section in the file that contains the parameter.
The section is the heading that is enclosed in brackets ([]) in the associated configuration file.
--property PropertyName
Specifies the name of the property to be set.
--value NewValue
Specifies the value of the PropertyName.
--merge-file MergeFile
Specifies a file in the openstack-config.conf format that contains multiple values to be changed in a single operation. The properties in MergeFile can represent new properties or properties to be modified. If a section or property name in MergeFile begins with a '-' character, that section or property is deleted from the file. For example, a MergeFile with the following contents would delete the ldap section, set the connections property to 512, and delete the noauth property from the database section.
connections = 512
-noauth =
Performs management tasks on the object configuration.
After an upgrade of IBM Spectrum Scale, migrates the object configuration to be consistent with the level of installed packages.
Parameter common for both mmobj config list and mmobj config change commands:
--ccrfile CCRFile
Indicates the name of the Swift, Keystone, or Object configuration file stored in the CCR.
Some of the configuration files stored in the Cluster Configuration Repository (CCR) are:
  • account-server.conf
  • container-reconciler.conf
  • container-server.conf
  • object-expirer.conf
  • object-server.conf
  • proxy-server.conf
  • swift.conf
  • keystone.conf
  • keystone-paste.ini
  • spectrum-scale-object.conf
  • object-server-sof.conf
  • spectrum-scale-objectizer.conf
Administers the storage policies for Object Storage:
Lists storage policies for Object Storage.
--policy-name PolicyName
Lists details of the specified storage policy, if it exists.
--policy-function PolicyFunction
Lists details of the storage policies with the specified function, if any exist.
Lists the functions that are enabled for the storage policies.
Note: Start of changeUse the -Y parameter to display the command output in a parseable format with a colon (:) as a field delimiter. End of change
Creates a storage policy for Object Storage. The associated configuration files are updated and the ring files are created for the storage policy. The CES monitoring framework distributes the changes to the protocol nodes and restarts the associated services.
Specifies the name of the storage policy.
The policy name must be unique (case-insensitive), without spaces, and it must contain only letters, digits, or a dash.
-f FilesetName
Specifies the name of an existing fileset to be used for this storage policy. An existing fileset can be used provided it is not being used for an existing storage policy.
If no fileset name is specified with the command, the policy name is reused for the fileset with the prefix obj_.
--file-system FilesystemName
Specifies the name of the file system on which the fileset is created.
--i MaxNumInodes
Specifies the inode limit for the new inode space.
Enables a compression policy. The Swift policy type is replication. If --enable-compression is used, --compression-schedule must be specified too and vice versa.
Every object stored within a container that is linked to this storage policy is compressed on a scheduled basis. This occurs as a background process. For object retrieval, no decompression is needed because it occurs automatically in the background.
Start of change--compression-schedule: "MM:HH:dd:ww"End of change
Start of changeSpecifies the compression schedule if --enable-compression is used. The schedule must be given in this format, MM:HH:dd:ww. For example:
MM = 0-59 minutes
Indicates the minute after the hour in which to run the job. The range is 0 - 59.
HH = 0-23
Indicates the hour in which to run the job. Hours are represented as numbers in the range 0 - 23.
dd = 1-31
Indicates the day of a month on which to run the job. Days are represented as numbers in the range 1 - 31.
ww = 0-7 (0=Sun, 7=Sun)
Indicates the days of the week on which to run the job. One or more values can be specified (comma-separated). Days are represented as numbers in the range 0 - 7. 0 and 7 represent Sunday. All days of a week are represented by *. This parameter is optional and the default is 0.
  • Use * for specifying every instance of a unit. For example, dd = * means that the job is scheduled to run every day.
  • Comma-separated lists are allowed. For example, dd = 1,3,5 means that the job is scheduled to run on every first, third, fifth of a month.
  • If ww and dd both are specified, the union is used.
  • Specifying a range that uses - is not supported.
  • Empty values are allowed for dd and ww. If empty, dd and or ww are not considered.
  • Empty values for mm and hh are treaded as *.
End of change
Enables an encryption policy.
Enables a file-access policy. The file-access policies exist only in the region in which they were created. They do not support the multi-region capability. Objects stored within a container that is linked to this storage policy can be enabled for file protocol access.
--encryption-keyfile EncryptionKeyFileName

Specifies the encryption key file.


Specifies whether to append and establish the rule if other rules are existing.

Note: The enabled functions are displayed in the functions column of the mmobj policy list command output as follows:
  • --enable-compression compression
  • --enable-file-access file-and-object-access
Changes the state of the specified storage policy.
Specifies the name of the storage policy that needs to be changed.
Sets the specified storage policy to be the default policy.
Note: You cannot set a deprecated storage policy as the default storage policy.
--deprecate State
Deprecates the specified storage policy. State can be either yes or no.
Sets the state of the specified storage policy as deprecated.
Sets the state of the specified storage policy as not deprecated.
Note: You cannot deprecate the default storage policy.

In a multi-region environment, adds the region of the current cluster to the specified storage policy. The associated fileset that is previously defined for the storage policy must exist or else it is created.

After the region is added, the multi-region configuration needs to be synced with the other regions by using the mmobj multiregion command.

Note: By default, a storage policy stores only objects in the region on which it was created. If the cluster is defined as multi-region, a storage policy can also be made multi-region by adding more regions to its definition.
--remove-region-number RegionNumber

In a multi-region environment, removes a region from the specified storage policy. The associated fileset for the storage policy is not modified.

After the region is removed, the multi-region configuration needs to be synced with the other regions by using the mmobj multiregion command.

Start of change--compression-schedule: "MM:HH:dd:ww"End of change
Start of changeSpecifies the compression schedule if --enable-compression is used. The schedule must be given in the format, MM:HH:dd:ww. For example:
MM = 0-59 minutes
Indicates the minute after the hour in which to run the job. The range is 0 - 59.
HH = 0-23
Indicates the hour in which to run the job. Hours are represented as numbers in the range 0 - 23.
dd = 1-31
Indicates the day of a month on which to run the job. Days are represented as numbers in the range 1 - 31.
ww = 0-7 (0=Sun, 7=Sun)
Indicates the days of the week on which to run the job. One or more values can be specified (comma-separated). Days are represented as numbers in the range 0 - 7. 0 and 7 represent Sunday. All days of a week are represented by *. This parameter is optional, and the default is 0.
  • Use * for specifying every instance of a unit. For example, dd = * means that the job is scheduled to run every day.
  • Comma-separated lists are allowed. For example, meansdd= 1,3,5 that the job is scheduled to run on every first, third, fifth of a month.
  • If ww and dd both are specified, the union is used.
  • Specifying a range that uses - is not supported.
  • Empty values are allowed for dd and ww. If empty, dd and or ww are not considered.
  • Empty values for mm and hh are treaded as *.
End of change
Manages file-access capability, ibmobjectizer service and object access for files (objectizes) in a unified file and object access environment.
Enables the file-access capability and the ibmobjectizer service.

If the file access capability is already enabled and the ibmobjectizer service is stopped, this option starts the ibmobjectizer service.

Disables the file-access capability and the ibmobjectizer service.
This option stops only the ibmobjectizer service, it does not disable the file-access capabilities.
Enables files for object access (objectizes) in a unified file and object access environment.
--object-path ObjectPath
The fully qualified path of a file or a directory that you want to enable for access through the object interface. If a fully qualified path to a directory is specified, the command enables all the files from that directory for access through the object interface. This is a mandatory parameter for the mmobj file-access command if the --storage-policy parameter is not specified.
--storage-policy PolicyName
The name of the storage policy for which you want to enable files for the object interface. This is a mandatory parameter for the mmobj file-access command if the --object-path parameter is not specified. If only this parameter is specified, the command enables all files for object interface from the fileset that is associated with the specified storage policy.
--account-name AcccountName
The account name for which you want to enable files for access through the object interface. The --storage-policy parameter is mandatory if you are using this parameter.
--container-name ContainerName
The container name for which you want to enable files for access through the object interface. You must specify the --storage-policy and the --account-name with this parameter.
--object-name ObjectName
The object name for which you want to enable files for access through the object interface. You must specify --storage-policy, --account-name, and --container-name parameters with this parameter.
-N | --node NodeName
Start of changeThe node on which to run the command. This parameter is optional and if it is not specified, the command is run on the current node if it is a protocol node. If the current node is not a protocol node, an available protocol node is selected.End of change

Enables object access to the specified fileset path.

--sourcefset-path FilesetPath
The fully qualified non-object fileset path that must be enabled for object access.
--account-name AccountName
The name of the swift account or the keystone project. The contents of the fileset are accessible from this account when it is accessed by using the object interface.
--container-name ContainerName
The name of the container. The contents of the fileset belong to this container when it is accessed by using the object interface.
--fileaccess-policy-name PolicyName
The name of the file-access enabled storage policy.
Updates the container database with the existing files in the provided fileset.

If the --update-listing option is used, then the sourcefset-path must be the exact fileset junction path and the fileset must be derived from the object file system.

Administers multi-region object deployment. For more information on multi-region object deployment and capabilities, see Overview of multi-region object deployment in IBM Spectrum Scale: Concepts, Planning, and Installation Guide.
Lists the information about the region.
Note: Start of changeUse the -Y parameter to display the command output in a parseable format with a colon (:) as a field delimiter. End of change

Enable the cluster for multi-region support.

Only the first cluster of the region can run the enable command. Subsequent regions join the multi-region cluster during installation with the use of the --join-region-file flag of the mmobj swift base command.


Exports the multi-region configuration environment so that other regions can be installed into the multi-region cluster or other regions can be synced to this region.

If successful, a region checksum is printed in the output. This checksum can be used to ensure that different regions are in sync when the mmobj multiregion import command is run.

Note: When region-related information changes, such as CES IPs and storage policies, all regions must be updated with the changes.
--region-file RegionFile
Specifies a path to store the multi-region data.
This file is created.

Imports the specified multi-region configuration environment into this region.

If successful, a region checksum for this region is printed in the output. If the local region configuration matches the imported configuration, the checksums match. If they differ, then it means that some configuration information in the local region needs to be synced to the other regions. This can happen when a configuration change in the local region, such as adding CES IPs or storage policies, is not yet synced with the other regions. If so, the multi-region configuration for the local region needs to be exported and synced to the other regions.

--region-file RegionFile
Specifies the path to a multi-region data file created by using the mmobj multiregion export command.

Completely removes a region from the multi-region environment. The removed region will no longer be accessible by other regions.

After the region is removed, the remaining regions need to have their multi-region information that is synced with this change by using the mmobj multiregion export and mmobj multiregion import commands.

--region-number RegionNumber
Specifies the region number that you need to remove from the multi-region configuration.
Indicates that all the configuration information for the specified region needs to be permanently deleted.
Enables and disables the S3 API without manually changing the configuration.
Enables the S3 API.
Disables the S3 API.
Verifies whether the S3 API is enabled or disabled.
Note: Start of changeUse the -Y parameter to display the command output in a parseable format with a colon (:) as a field delimiter. End of change
Start of change-YEnd of change
Start of changeDisplays headers and output in a machine-readable and colon-delimited format.
Note: Fields that have a colon (:) are encoded to prevent confusion. For the set of characters that might be encoded, see the command documentation of mmclidecode. Use the mmclidecode command to decode the field.
End of change

Exit status

Successful completion.
A failure has occurred.


You must have root authority to run the mmobj command.

The node on which the command is issued must be able to execute remote shell commands on any other node in the cluster without the use of a password and without producing any extraneous messages. For more information, see Requirements for administering a GPFS file system.


  1. To specify configuration of Object protocol service with local keystone and S3 enabled, issue the following command:
    mmobj swift base  -g /gpfs/ObjectFS --cluster-hostname --local-keystone 
    --enable-s3 --admin-password Passw0rd
    The system displays output similar to this:
    mmobj swift base: Creating fileset /dev/ObjectFS object_fileset
    mmobj swift base: Configuring Keystone server in /gpfs/cesshared/ces/object/keystone
    mmobj swift base: Configuring Swift services
    Configuration complete
  2. To list object configuration settings for proxy-server.conf, DEFAULT section, issue the following command:
    mmobj config list --ccrfile proxy-server.conf --section DEFAULT
    The system displays output similar to this:
    bind_port = 8080
    workers = auto
    user = swift
    log_level = ERROR
  3. To change the number of worker processes that each object server launches, update the object-server.conf file as shown here:
    mmobj config change --ccrfile object-server.conf --section DEFAULT --property workers --value 16
  4. To change the configuration value of paste.filter_factory which is in the filter:s3_extension section of the keystone-paste.iniconfiguration file, issue the following command:
    mmobj config change --ccrfile keystone-paste.ini --section filter:s3_extension 
    --property paste.filter_factory --value keystone.contrib.s3:S3Extension.factory
  5. To migrate the configuration data after an upgrade of IBM Spectrum Scale, issue the following command:
    mmobj config manage --version-sync
    The system displays output similar to this:
    mmobj config manage: Checking system state
    mmobj config manage: Processing Keystone
    mmobj config manage: Processing spectrum-scale-object.conf
    mmobj config manage: Processing object-server-sof.conf
    mmobj config manage: Processing spectrum-scale-objectizer.conf
    mmobj config manage: Processing object-server.conf
    mmobj config manage: Processing wsgi-keystone.conf
    mmobj config manage: Processing proxy-server.conf
    mmobj config manage: Processing keystone.conf
    mmobj config manage: Migration of configuration is complete.
    Start of changemmobj config manage: gpfs.base@5.0.2
    mmobj config manage: spectrum-scale-object@5.0.2End of change
    mmobj config manage: Processing keystone-paste.ini
  6. To create a new storage policy CompressionTest with the compression function enabled and with the compression schedule specified, issue the following command:
    mmobj policy create CompressionTest --enable-compression 
    --compression-schedule '20:5,11,17,23:*:*'

    The system displays output similar to this:

    [I] Getting latest configuration from ccr
    [I] Creating fileset /dev/ObjectFS:obj_CompressionTest
    [I] Creating new unique index and build the object rings
    [I] Updating the configuration
    [I] Uploading the changed configuration

    This compression schedule indicates that the fileset that is associated with the policy will be compressed at the 20th minute of the 5th, 11th, 17th, and 23rd hour of the day, every day of every week.

  7. To list storage policies for Object Storage with details of functions available with those storage policies, issue the following command:
    mmobj policy list --verbose
    The system displays output similar to this:
    Index       Name          Deprecated  Fileset           Fileset Path                        Functions                Function Details   File System
    0           SwiftDefault              object_fileset    /ibm/ObjectFS/object_fileset                                               ObjectFS
    11751509160 sof-policy                obj_sof-policy    /ibm/ObjectFS/obj_sof-policy   file-and-object-access   regions="1"        ObjectFS
    11751509230 mysofpolicy               obj_mysofpolicy   /ibm/ObjectFS/obj_mysofpolicy  file-and-object-access   regions="1"        ObjectFS
    11751510260 Test19                    obj_Test19        /ibm/ObjectFS/obj_Test19                                regions="1"        ObjectFS
  8. To change the default storage policy, issue the following command:
    mmobj policy change sof-policy --default
    The system displays sof-policy as the default storage policy.
  9. To enable object access for an account, issue the following command:
    mmobj file-access --storage-policy sof_policy --account-name admin

    The system displays output similar to the following:

    Loading objectization configuration from CCR
    Fetching storage policy details
    Creating container to database map
    Performing objectization
    Objectization complete
  10. To enable object access for a container, issue the following command:
    mmobj file-access --storage-policy sof_policy 
    --account-name admin --container-name container1
  11. To enable object access on a file while specifying a storage policy, issue the following command:
    mmobj file-access --storage-policy sof_policy 
    --account-name admin --container-name container1 --object-name file1.txt
  12. To enable object access on a file, issue the following command:
    mmobj file-access --object-path 
  13. To list the information about a region, issue the following command:
    mmobj multiregion list

    The system displays output similar to this:

    Region  Endpoint   Cluster Name     Cluster Id
    ------  ---------  ---------------  -------------------
    1       RegionOne  3694106483743716196
    2       Region2    1860802811592373112
  14. To set up the initial multi-region environment on the first region, issue the following command:
    mmobj multiregion enable

    The system displays output similar to this:

    mmobj multiregion: Multi-region support is enabled in this cluster.  
    Region number: 1
  15. To export multi-region data for use by other clusters to join multi-region, issue the following command:
    mmobj multiregion export --region-file /tmp/region2.dat

    The system displays output similar to this:

    mmobj multiregion: The Object multi-region export file 
    was successfully created: /tmp/region2.dat
    mmobj multiregion: Region checksum is: 34632-44791
  16. To import the specified multi-region configuration environment created by the export command into a region, issue the following command:
    mmobj multiregion import --region-file /tmp/region2.dat

    The system displays output similar to this:

    mmobj multiregion: The region config has been updated.
    mmobj multiregion: Region checksum is: 34632-44791
  17. To remove a region that is designated by region number 2 from a multi-region environment and to remove all configuration information of the specified region, issue the following command:
    mmobj multiregion remove --remove-region-number 2 --force

    The system displays output similar to this:

    mmobj multiregion: Permanently removing region 2 
    ( 1860802811592373112) from multi-region configuration.
    mmobj multiregion: Updating ring files.
    mmobj multiregion: Successfully removed region 2.
    Object services on region 2 will need to be unconfigured and its endpoint 
    removed from Keystone.
  18. To create a policy with no force add where only the default GPFS policy rule is established, issue the following command:
    mmobj policy create enc-policy-1 --enable-encryption 
    --encryption-keyfile /root/enc/enc.key 
    The system creates the policy, adds and establishes the rule within the GPFS policy rules, and displays the following output:
    [I] Getting latest configuration from ccr
    [I] Creating fileset /dev/ObjectFS:obj_enc-policy-1
    [I] Creating GPFS Encryption Rule
    [I]  The following new encryption rule has been stored to 
    and is established within the  GPFS policies.
    /* begin of the encryption rule for fileset obj_enc-policy-1 */
    rule 'enc-1_enc-policy-1' set encryption 'encryption_enc-policy-1'  
    for fileset('obj_enc-policy-1')    
    where name like '%'
    rule 'enc-2_enc-policy-1' encryption 'encryption_enc-policy-1' 
    is  ALGO 'DEFAULTNISTSP800131A'  
    /* end of the encryption rule for fileset obj_enc-policy-1 */
    [I] Creating new unique index and building the object rings
    [I] Updating the configuration
    [I] Uploading the changed configuration
  19. To create a policy with force add, issue the following command:
    mmobj policy create enc-policy-2 --enable-encryption 
    --encryption-keyfile /root/enc/enc.key 
    The system creates the policy, adds and establishes the rule within GPFS policy rules, and displays the following output:
    [I] Getting latest configuration from ccr
    [I] Creating fileset /dev/ObjectFS:obj_enc-policy-2
    [I] Creating GPFS Encryption Rule
    [I]  The following new encryption rule has been stored to file:/var/mmfs/ces/policyencryption.rule
     and is established within the  GPFS policies.
    /* begin of the encryption rule for fileset obj_enc-policy-2 */
    rule 'enc-1_enc-policy-2' set encryption 'encryption_enc-policy-2'  
    for fileset('obj_enc-policy-2')
    where name like '%'
    rule 'enc-2_enc-policy-2' encryption 'encryption_enc-policy-2' is  
    /* end of the encryption rule for fileset obj_enc-policy-2 */
    [I] Creating new unique index and building the object rings
    [I] Updating the configuration
    [I] Uploading the changed configuration
  20. To create a policy with no force add, issue the following command:
    mmobj policy create enc-policy-3 --enable-encryption 
    --encryption-keyfile /root/enc/enc.key 

    The system creates the policy, adds the rule but does not establish the rule within the GPFS policy rules, and displays the following output:

    [I] Getting latest configuration from ccr
    [I] Creating fileset /dev/ObjectFS:obj_enc-policy-3
    [I] Creating GPFS Encryption Rule
    [I]  The following new encryption rule has been stored to 
     but is not established within  the GPFS policies.
    /* begin of the encryption rule for fileset obj_enc-policy-3 */
    rule 'enc-1_enc-policy-3' set encryption 'encryption_enc-policy-3'  
    for fileset('obj_enc-policy-3')    
    where name like '%'
    rule 'enc-2_enc-policy-3' encryption 'encryption_enc-policy-3' is  
    /* end of the encryption rule for fileset obj_enc-policy-3 */
    [I] Creating new unique index and building the object rings
    [I] Updating the configuration
    [I] Uploading the changed configuration
  21. To enable the ibmobjectizer service, issue the following command:
    mmobj file-access enable

    The system enables the file-access capability and starts the ibmobjectizer service.

  22. To disable the ibmobjectizer service, issue the following command:
    mmobj file-access disable

    The system disables the file-access capability and stops the ibmobjectizer service.

  23. To use the disable --objectizer-daemon parameter, issue the following command:
    mmobj file-access disable --objectizer-daemon
    The system disables the ibmobjectizer service.
  24. To use the object-path parameter, issue the following command:
    mmobj file-access objectize --object-path 
    The system objectizes file1.txt at /ibm/ObjectFS/fileset1/Auth_12345/container1/ and enables it for access through the object interface:
    Loading objectization configuration from CCR
    Fetching storage policy details
    Performing objectization
    Objectization complete
  25. To use the storage-policy parameter for file objectization, issue the following command:
    mmobj file-access objectize --storage-policy sof_policy --account-name admin
     --container-name container1 --object-name file1.txt
    The system objectizes file1.txt from the container named container1:
    Loading objectization configuration from CCR
    Fetching storage policy details
    Performing objectization
    Objectization complete
  26. To use the node parameter for running the command on a remote node, issue the following command:
    mmobj file-access objectize --node gpfs_node1 
    --storage-policy sof_policy --account-name admin
    The command is run on the gpfs_node1 node and all the files from all containers within the admin account are objectized. If --node or -N is not specified, the mmobj file-access objecitze command checks if the current node is CES node or not. If the current node is a CES node, the command is run on the current node. If the current node is not a CES node, the command is run on a random remote CES node:
    Loading objectization configuration from CCR
    Fetching storage policy details
    Performing objectization
    Objectization complete

