Enabling multi-region object deployment initially

For multi-region object deployment, each region is a separate cluster and on each cluster IBM Spectrum Scale™ for object storage is installed independently using the installer.

In a single cluster, the installer completely installs the object protocol on all the nodes within that cluster. However, in a multi-region object deployment environment, each cluster is installed independently and the object protocol on the independent clusters is linked together.

The object portion of the IBM Spectrum Scale installer contains an option to indicate if multi-region support is to be enabled. If it needs to be enabled, the installer determines if the cluster being installed is the first cluster or if the cluster is a subsequent one and it will be added to an existing environment. This information is passed to the mmobj swift base command that the installer runs to install the object protocol.

To set up an initial multi-region environment, issue the following command on the 1st cluster after it has been installed:

mmobj multiregion enable

For information on adding a new region to a multi-region object deployment environment, see Adding a region in a multi-region object deployment.