Managing user-defined authentication

In the user-defined mode of authentication, the user is free to select the authentication and ID mapping methods of their choice. It is the responsibility of the administrator of the client system to manage the authentication and ID mapping for file (NFS and SMB) and object access to the IBM Spectrum Scale™ system.

The IBM Spectrum Scale system administrators are not allowed use any of the GPFS™ commands to manage authentication. It is important for the end user to be aware of the limitations, if any, of the authentication and ID mapping scheme that will be implemented after configuring the user-defined mode of authentication.

The user-defined mode is appropriate in the following circumstances:
  • The client already has protocol deployments either on GPFS installations or on different systems and is planning to move to using the protocol stack on the IBM Spectrum Scale system. The client wants to replicate the current authentication and ID mapping configuration. In this case, the client system administrator must be familiar with the required configuration settings that will be applied to the system.
  • If the end user wants an authentication method that is not supported by the IBM Spectrum Scale system.
Note: If the end user wants to configure the authentication methods that are supported by the IBM Spectrum Scale system, it is highly recommended to configure the authentication and ID mapping methods by using the mmuserauth command instead of opting for the user-defined method of authentication.
The IBM Spectrum Scale system administrator needs to specify that the user-defined mode of authentication is used by using the --type userdefined option in the mmuserauth service create command as shown in the following example:
# mmuserauth service create --type userdefined --data-access-method file
File Authentication configuration completed successfully.
Submit the mmuserauth service list command to see the current authentication configuration as shown in the following example:
# mmuserauth service list
FILE access configuration : USERDEFINED
OBJECT access not configured
Typically, user-defined authentication is used when existing GPFS customers are already using GPFS with NFS and do not want to alter the authentication that is already configured on these systems. You can configure user-defined authentication for both object and file access or for object or file alone.
Note: Authorization depends upon authentication and ID mapping that is configured with the system. That is, the ACL control on exports, files, and directories depend on the authentication method that is configured.

File authentication configuration

Ensure the following while using the user-defined mode of authentication for file access:
  • Ensure that the authentication server and ID mapping server are always reachable from all the protocol nodes. For example, if NIS is configured as the ID mapping server, you can use the 'ypwhich' command to ensure that NIS is configured and reachable from all the protocol nodes. Similarly, if LDAP is configured as authentication and ID mapping server, you can bind to the LDAP server from all protocol nodes to monitor if the LDAP server is reachable from all protocol nodes.
  • Ensure that the implemented authentication and ID mapping configuration is always consistent across all the protocol nodes. This requires that the authentication server and ID mapping server are manually maintained and monitored by the administrator. The administrator must also ensure that the configuration files are not overwritten due to node restart and other similar events.
  • Ensure that the implemented authentication and ID mapping-related daemons and processes across the protocol nodes are always up and running.
  • The users or groups, accessing the IBM Spectrum Scale system over NFS and SMB protocols must resolve to a unique UID and GID respectively on all protocol nodes, especially in implementations where different servers are used for authentication and ID mapping. The name that is registered in ID mapping server for user and group must be checked for resolution.
    For example:
    # id fileuser
    uid=1234(fileuser) gid=5678(filegroup) groups=5678(filegroup)
    Note: However, there are some use cases where only NFSV3 based access to the IBM Spectrum Scale system is used. In such cases, the user and group IDs are obtained from the NFS client and there is no ID mapping setting is configured on the protocol nodes.
  • If the IBM Spectrum Scale system is configured for multiprotocol support (that is, the same data is accessed through both NFS and SMB protocols), ensure that the IDs of users and groups are consistent across the NFS clients and SMB clients and that they resolve uniquely on the protocol nodes.
  • Ensure that there is no conflict of UID and GID across users and groups that are accessing the system. This must be strictly enforced, especially in multiprotocol-based access deployments.
  • Ensure that the Kerberos configuration files, placed on all protocol nodes, are in synchronization with each other. Ensure that the clients and the IBM Spectrum Scale system are part of the same Kerberos realm or trusted realm.
  • While deploying two or more IBM Spectrum Scale clusters, ensure that the ID mapping is consistent in cases where you want to use IBM Spectrum Scale features like AFM, AFM-DR, and asynchronous replication of data.
The following table provides an overview of the authentication requirements for each file access protocol. Refer this table when you plan to use user-defined mode as the authentication method.
Table 1. Authentication requirements for each file access protocol.
File access protocol Requirements
NFSV3 In scenarios where user name and group name are expected to be used to native GPFS commands (for example, setting data ownership, listing user or group quota), the IBM Spectrum Scale system must be able to resolve the UID and GID to user name and group name and vice versa, consistently across all the protocol nodes.
Note: However, there are some use cases where only the NFSv3 based access to the IBM Spectrum Scale system is used. In such cases, the user and group IDs are coming from the NFS client and there is no ID mapping setting is configured on the protocol nodes.
Kerberos NFSV3

Ensure that the user name and group name that are used to access data consistently resolve to same UID and GID across all protocol nodes and NFS clients.

Ensure that the time is synchronized on the NFS server, NFS clients, and Kerberos server.
Note: User names and group names are case-sensitive.
NFSV4 Ensure that the user name and group name that are used to access data consistently resolve to same UID and GID across all protocol nodes and NFS clients.
Domain name must be specified in the /etc/idmapd.conf file and it must be the same on both the NFS server and NFS clients.
Note: User names and group names are case-sensitive.
Kerberos NFS V4 Ensure that the user name and group name that are used to access data consistently resolve to same UID and GID across all protocol nodes and NFS clients.

Ensure that the time is synchronized on the NFS server, NFS clients, and Kerberos server.

Domain name and local-realms must be specified in the /etc/idmapd.conf file and it must be the same on both the NFS server and NFS clients.

The value of "local-realms” takes the value of Kerberos realm with which the IBM Spectrum Scale system protocol nodes are configured.

SMB Ensure that the user name and group name that are used to access data consistently resolve to same UID and GID across all protocol nodes and NFS clients.

While integrating with non-windows server, ensure that the samba attributes are populated on the directory server for every user and group that are planning to access the IBM Spectrum Scale system. Special care must be taken to match the samba domain SIDs.

For Kerberized SMB access, ensure that time is synchronized the SMB server, SMB client, and Kerberos server.

Object authentication configuration

The user-defined mode for object authentication integrates IBM Spectrum Scale Object Storage with the externally hosted keystone server. Ensure the following while using the user-defined mode of authentication for object access:
  • Integration with external keystone server is supported over http and https.
  • The specified object user must be defined while enabling and configuring object in the external keystone server.
  • The 'service' tenant/project must be defined in the external keystone server.
  • The 'admin' role must be defined in the external keystone server.
  • Ensure that the specified swift user has 'admin' role in 'service' tenant/project.
    For example, the external keystone server must contain the following admin role definition to sift user:
    # openstack role list --user swift --project service
    | ID | Name | Project | User |
    | 90877d1913964e1eac05031e45afb46a | admin | service | swift |
  • The users and projects must be mapped to the Default domain in Keystone.
  • Object storage service endpoints must be correctly defined in the external keystone server.
    For example, the external keystone server must contain the following endpoint for object-store:
    # openstack endpoint list
    | ID         | Region | Service Name | Service Type | Enabled | Interface | URL                                                          |
    | c36e..9da5 | None   | keystone     | identity     | True    | public    |                      |
    | f4d6..b040 | None   | keystone     | identity     | True    | internal  |                     |
    | d390..0bf6 | None   | keystone     | identity     | True    | admin     |                     |
    | 2e63..f023 | None   | swift        | object-store | True    | public    | |
    | cd37..9597 | None   | swift        | object-store | True    | internal  | |
    | a349..58ef | None   | swift        | object-store | True    | admin     |                       |
If the object authentication is set to 'user-defined' and an IP address/port number is set in the proxy server configuration for keystone authentication, then that IP address will be checked using a simple http(s) request. If the request fails, then the AUTH_OBJ state will be set to "degraded" and an 'external keystone URL failure' event will be logged. This will not cause the node to be flagged as bad nor will it cause any public IP movement.
  • Issue the following command:
    mmces state show
    The system displays output similar to this:
  • Issue the following command:
    mmces events list
    The system displays output similar to this:
    NODE                      TIMESTAMP                             EVENT NAME    SEVERITY  DETAILS  2015-10-18 18:23:05.386336--1:-1CEST  ks_url_exfail WARNING   Keystone request failed 