Collecting details of issues by using logs, dumps, and traces

The problem determination tools that are provided with IBM Spectrum Scale™ are intended to be used by experienced system administrators who know how to collect data and run debugging routines.

You can collect various types of logs such as GPFS™ logs, protocol service logs, operating system logs, and transparent cloud tiering logs. The GPFS™ log is a repository of error conditions that are detected on each node, as well as operational events such as file system mounts. The operating system error log is also useful because it contains information about hardware failures and operating system or other software failures that can affect the IBM Spectrum Scale system.

Note: The GPFS error logs and messages contain the MMFS prefix to distinguish it from the components of the IBM® Multi-Media LAN Server, a related licensed program.

The IBM Spectrum Scale system also provides a system snapshot dump, trace, and other utilities that can be used to obtain detailed information about specific problems.

The information is organized as follows: