Resolving a problem with SSL certificates

If you are unable to connect to the management GUI from your web browser and received a Certificate expired or similar error, this information might help you resolve the issue.


  1. Access the CLI by using ssh.
  2. Run the lseventlog CLI command.
  3. Use the fix procedures for any error events, for example, 2258 - System SSL certificate has expired.
    1. If the system SSL certificate is expired and no longer valid, connections to the GUI, service assistant, and the CIMOM are likely to generate security exceptions.
    2. Check that the system time and date is correct. If the system time or date is incorrect, it can cause the certificate to be incorrectly marked as expired.
    3. Create a new self-signed system certificate, or create a certificate request. Get it signed by your certificate authority and install the signed request.
      Note: If it takes some time to get a certificate signed, you can also create a self-signed certificate to use while you wait for your request to be signed.