Move a community to become a subcommunity of another community

Integrate what were diverse communities by moving a community to become a subcommunity of another community.

Before you begin

You must be a community owner of both the community that is being moved and the intended parent community. The community that is being moved cannot contain any subcommunities.
Note: You can move a community or subcommunity to a new parent of the same type only (that is, an internal or external community). For example, you can move an external restricted community or subcommunity to a new parent community that is also external restricted only. Similarly, you can move an internal community or subcommunity to a new parent that is also internal only.

Also, if you move a restricted but listed community under a community that is restricted but not listed, the moved community is no longer listed. For more information, see Creating communities.

About this task

Moving communities to be subcommunities of a top-level, parent community is a good way to integrate what were diverse communities.


  1. Log in to IBM® Connections and open the community that you want to move.
  2. On the Members page, select the Invitations tab and record any invited users.
    Note: When you move a community, any users that are invited to join the community are removed. You can re invite these users when the move is complete.
  3. From the Overview page, select Community Actions > Move Community.
  4. Select Make this a subcommunity of: and begin typing the name of the intended parent community. Select a community from the type-ahead list that is returned and click Move. A list of people to be added as members to the parent community or as owners to the subcommunity might be displayed. If the membership list is long, select Show more members to be added to scroll through the entire list.
  5. If required, confirm that you want to add the members or owners, click Move again. The community is now a subcommunity of the community you specified, this relationship is known as a parent-child relationship. The subcommunity is modified as follows:
    • Any users that are invited to join the subcommunity and did not accept or decline the invitation are removed. Click the Invitations tab. You can see that the invited users no longer appear on the Invitations tab.
    When you move a community, the following changes might be made depending on the membership and access level of both communities:
    • The access level of the community that is being moved might be modified to be at least as restrictive as its new parent.
    • Members and owners in the community that is being moved are added to the new parent, if they are not there already.
    • Owners in the new parent are added to the subcommunity that is being moved.
  6. Optional: You can now reinvite any users that were removed from the community invitation list. For more information, see Inviting people to join a community.


A subcommunity cannot be less restrictive than its parent. Therefore, when you move a community, the access level of the community that is being moved can be modified as shown in table 1.
Table 1. Community access levels
Community A (parent) Community B (before it is made a subcommunity of A) Community B (after it is made a subcommunity of A)
Public Public Unchanged
Public Moderated Unchanged
Public Restricted (unlisted) Unchanged
Public Restricted (listed) Unchanged
Moderated Public Moderated
Moderated Moderated Unchanged
Moderated Restricted (unlisted) Unchanged
Moderated Restricted (listed) Unchanged
Restricted (unlisted) Public Restricted (unlisted)
Restricted (unlisted) Moderated Restricted (unlisted)
Restricted (unlisted) Restricted (unlisted) Unchanged
Restricted (unlisted) Restricted (listed) Changed to Restricted (unlisted)
Restricted (listed) Public Restricted (unlisted)
Restricted (listed) Moderated Restricted (unlisted)
Restricted (listed) Restricted (unlisted) Unchanged
Restricted (listed) Restricted (listed) Unchanged