
Puts the host running your job into exclusive execution mode.




bsub -x


In exclusive execution mode, your job runs by itself on a host. It is dispatched only to a host with no other jobs running, and LSF does not send any other jobs to the host until the job completes.

To submit a job in exclusive execution mode, the queue must be configured to allow exclusive jobs.

When the job is dispatched, bhosts reports the host status as closed_Excl, and lsload reports the host status as lockU.

Until your job is complete, the host is not selected by LIM in response to placement requests made by lsplace, lsrun or lsgrun or any other load sharing applications.

You can force other jobs to run on the host by using the -m host_name option of brun(1) to explicitly specify the locked host.

You can force LIM to run other interactive jobs on the host by using the -m host_name option of lsrun or lsgrun to explicitly specify the locked host.