
Sets the customized output format.




bjobs -o "[field_name | all][:[-] [output_width]][:unit_prefix]...[delimiter='character']"
bjobs -o '[field_name | all][:[-] [output_width]][:unit_prefix] ... [delimiter="character"]'


  • Specify which bjobs fields (or aliases instead of the full field names), in which order, and with what width to display.
  • Specify only the bjobs field name or alias to set its output to unlimited width and left justification.
  • (Available starting in Fix Pack 14) Specify all to display all fields. Specify the colon (:) with an output width that applies to all fields.
  • Specify the colon (:) without an output width to set the output width to the recommended width for that field.
  • Specify the colon (:) with an output width to set the maximum number of characters to display for the field. When its value exceeds this width, bjobs truncates the output:
    • For the JOB_NAME field, bjobs removes the header characters and replaces them with an asterisk (*)
    • For other fields, bjobs truncates the ending characters
  • Specify a hyphen (-) to set right justification when bjobs displays the output for the specific field. If not specified, the default is to set left justification when bjobs displays the output for a field.
  • Specify a second colon (:) with a unit to specify a unit prefix for the output for the following fields: mem, max_mem, avg_mem, memlimit, swap, swaplimit, corelimit, stacklimit, and hrusage (for hrusage, the unit prefix is for mem and swap resources only).

    This unit is KB (or K) for kilobytes, MB (or M) for megabytes, GB (or G) for gigabytes, TB (or T) for terabytes, PB (or P) for petabytes, EB (or E) for exabytes, ZB (or Z) for zettabytes), or S to automatically adjust the value to a suitable unit prefix and remove the "bytes" suffix from the unit. The default is to automatically adjust the value to a suitable unit prefix, but keep the "bytes" suffix in the unit.

    The display value keeps two decimals but rounds up the third decimal. For example, if the unit prefix is set to G, 10M displays as 0.01G.

    The unit prefix specified here overrides the value of the LSB_UNIT_FOR_JOBS_DISPLAY environment variable, which also overrides the value of the LSB_UNIT_FOR_JOBS_DISPLAY parameter in the lsf.conf file.

  • Use delimiter= to set the delimiting character to display between different headers and fields. This delimiter must be a single character. By default, the delimiter is a space.

To specify special delimiter characters in a csh environment (for example, $), use double quotation marks (") in the delimiter specification and single quotation marks (') in the -o statement:

bjobs ... -o 'field_name[:[-][output_width]] ... [delimiter="character"]'

The -o option applies only to output for certain bjobs options:
  • This option applies to output for the bjobs command with no options, and for bjobs options with short form output that filter information, including the following options: -a, -app, -d, -g, -G, -J, -Jd, -Lp, -m, -P, -q, -r, -sla, -u, -x, -X.
  • This option applies to output for bjobs options that use a modified format and filter information, including the following options: -fwd, -N, -p, -s.
  • This option does not apply to output for bjobs options that use a modified format, including the following options: -A, -aff, -aps, -l, -UF, -ss, -sum, -UF, -w, -W, -WF, -WL, -WP.

The bjobs -o option overrides the LSB_BJOBS_FORMAT environment variable, which overrides the LSB_BJOBS_FORMAT setting in lsf.conf.

The following are the field names used to specify the bjobs fields to display, recommended width, aliases you can use instead of field names, and units of measurement for the displayed field:

Table 1. Output fields for bjobs
Field name Width Alias Unit Description Category
jobid 7 id   The job ID. Common
jobindex 8     The array job's element index.
stat 5     The job's status.
user 7     The user that submitted the job.
user_group 15 ugroup   The user group for the user.
queue 10     The queue for the job.
job_name 10 name   The job's name.
job_description 17 description   A description of the job.
proj_name 11 proj, project   The project to which the job is submitted.
application 13 app   The application to which the job is submitted.
service_class 13 sla   The service class to which the job is submitted.
job_group 10 group   The job group to which the job is submitted.
job_priority 12 priority   The job's priority.
rsvid 40     The advance reservation ID for the job.
esub 20     The job's esub external submission name.
kill_reason 50     The reason why the job was killed.
suspend_reason 50     The reason why the job was suspended.
resume_reason 50     The reason why the job resumed.
kill_issue_host 50     The host that issued killing the job.
suspend_issue_host 50     The host that issued suspending the job.
resume_issue_host 50     The host that issued resuming the job.
dependency 15     The job's dependency information. .

This displays the single key pending reason, including custom messages, regardless of the default pending reason level as specified in the LSB_BJOBS_PENDREASON_LEVEL parameter in the lsf.conf file.

11     The job's pending reason.
charged_saap 50 saap   The path to which the job's user-based fair share charged.
command 15 cmd   The job's command. Command
pre_exec_command 16 pre_cmd   The job's pre-execution command.
post_exec_command 17 post_cmd   The job's post-execution command.
resize_notification_command 27 resize_cmd   The job's resize notification command.
pids 20     The job's PID number.
exit_code 10     The job's exit code.
exit_reason 50     The job's exit reason.
interactive 11     Whether or not the job is interactive.
from_host 11     The host from where the job is submitted. Host
first_host 11     The first execution host for the job.
exec_host 11     All execution hosts for the job.
Note: If the allocated host group or compute unit is condensed, this field does not display the real number of hosts. Use bjobs -X -o to view the real number of hosts in these situations.
10     The number of execution hosts for the job.
ask_hosts 30     The hosts specified by the job in the submission options.
alloc_slot 20     List of execution hosts, and the number of slots allocated to the job on each host.
nalloc_slot 10     The number of slots allocated to the job.
host_file 10     A user-specified host file while the job was submitted.
exclusive 13     Whether or not the job is exclusive.
nreq_slot 10     The number of slots requested by the job
submit_time 15   time stamp The time when the job was submitted. Time
start_time 15   time stamp The time when the job was started to run.
estimated_start_time 20 estart_time time stamp The job's estimated start time.
specified_start_time 20 sstart_time time stamp The specified start time of the job while submitted.
specified_terminate_time 24 sterminate_time time stamp Specifies the job termination deadline.
time_left 11   seconds Amount of time left running based on the run limit of the job.
finish_time 16   time stamp The time that the job finished.
estimated_run_time 20 ertime seconds The estimated job run time based on the run limit.
ru_utime 12   seconds CPU user time cost by executing the job.
ru_stime 12   seconds CPU system time cost by executing the job.
%complete 11     The percentage job completeness based on run time and run limit.
warning_action 15 warn_act   The job action to be taken before a job control action occurs.
action_warning_time 19 warn_time   The job action warning time.
pendstate (IPEND/EPEND/NOTPEND) 9     The job's pending state: eligible or ineligible pending status.
pend_time 12   seconds Amount of time that a job is kept in pending status.
ependtime 12   seconds Amount of time that a job is kept in eligible pending status.
ipendtime 12   seconds Amount of time that a job is kept in ineligible pending status.
estimated_sim_start_time 24 esstart_time time stamp The job start time, predicted by a simulation-based estimator.
effective_plimit (run with bjobs -p to show information for pending jobs only) 18   seconds Effective pending time limit.
plimit_remain (run with bjobs -p to show information for pending jobs only)

A negative number indicates the amount of time in which the job exceeded the pending time limit, while a positive number shows that the time remaining until the pending time limit is reached.

15   seconds Pending time remaining, based on the effective pending time limit.
effective_eplimit (run with bjobs -p to show information for pending jobs only) 19   seconds Effective eligible pending time limit.
eplimit_remain (run with bjobs -p to show information for pending jobs only) 16   seconds Effective pending time remaining, based on the pending time limit.

A negative number indicates the amount of time in which the job exceeded the pending time limit, while a positive number shows that the time remaining until the pending time limit is reached.

10     The amount of CPU used time while executing the job. CPU
run_time 15   seconds The duration that the job has been running.
idle_factor 11     The idle factor used for job exception handling.
exception_status 16 except_stat   The job's exception status.
slots 5     The number of slots used by the job.
mem 15   As defined for LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in lsf.conf. The amount of memory used by the job.
max_mem 15   As defined for LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in lsf.conf. The maximum memory used by the job.
avg_mem 15   As defined for LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in lsf.conf. The average amount of memory used by the job.
memlimit 15   As defined for LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in lsf.conf. The limit to the amount of memory that can be used by the job.
swap 15   As defined for LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in lsf.conf. The amount of swap memory used by the job.
swaplimit 15   As defined for LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in lsf.conf. The limit to the amount of swap memory that can be used by the job.
gpu_num 10 gnum   The number of GPUs used by the job. GPU
gpu_mode 20 gmode   The GPU mode used for the job.
j_exclusive 15 j_excl   Whether or not the job is using GPUs in job exclusive mode.
gpu_alloc 30 galloc   GPU allocation for the job.
nthreads 10     The number of threads created by the job. Resource usage
hrusage 50     The amount of host-based resources used by the job.
min_req_proc 12     The minimum number of processors requested by the parallel job. Resource requirement
max_req_proc 12     The maximum number of processors requested by the parallel job.
effective_resreq 17 eresreq   The effective resource requirements of the job.
combined_resreq 20 cresreq   The combined resource requirements of the job.
network_req 15     IBM® Parallel Environment (IBM PE) network requirements of the job.
filelimit 10     The file limit value for the job. Resource limits
corelimit 15     The core limit value for the job.
stacklimit 15     The stack limit value for the job.
processlimit 12     The process limit value for the job.
runtimelimit 12     The runtime limit value for the job.
plimit 10   seconds The pending time limit value for the job.
eplimit 10   seconds The eligible pending time limit value for the job.
input_file 10     The specified input file for the job. File
output_file 11     The specified output file for the job.
error_file 10     The specified standard error output file for the job.
output_dir 15     The specified standard output file for the job. Directory
sub_cwd 10     The path location from where the job was submitted.
exec_home 10     The home directory for the job on the execution host.
exec_cwd 10     The current working directory for the job on the execution host.
licproject 20     The license project specified for the job. License
forward_cluster 15 fwd_cluster   The name of the cluster that forwarded the job. MultiCluster
forward_time 15 fwd_time time stamp The time when the job was forwarded.
srcjobid 8     The job ID assigned by the cluster that accepted the job.
dstjobid 8     The job ID assigned by the cluster that forwarded the job.
source_cluster 15 srcluster   The name of the cluster that accepted the job.
energy     Joule The amount of energy used by the job. Energy

Job disk usage (I/O) data on IBM Spectrum Scale.

      The size of input or output disk usage data on IBM Spectrum Scale for the job.  

(Available starting in Fix Pack 13)

5     Blocking mode. Used for getting jobs submitted with the bsub -K command.  


(Available starting in Fix Pack 13)

10     The peak number of CPUs used by the job.  

cpu_efficiency (for Fix Pack 13)

cpu_peak_efficiency (for Fix Pack 14)

10     The peak number of CPUs used by the job compared to the number of requested CPUs, expressed in percentage.  


(Available starting in Fix Pack 13)

10     The maximum size of memory used by the job compared to the requested memory size for the job, expressed in percentage.  

(Available starting in Fix Pack 14)

10     The average number of CPUs used by job compared to the number of requested CPUs, expressed in percentage.  

(Available starting in Fix Pack 14)

10     The time it takes for the number of CPU jobs to reach the peak number.  

(Available starting in Fix Pack 14)

Specify an output width that applies to all fields     All of the fields supported in the bjobs -o command.  

Field names and aliases are not case-sensitive. Valid values for the output width are any positive integer 1 - 4096. If the jobid field is defined with no output width and LSB_JOBID_DISP_LENGTH is defined in lsf.conf, the LSB_JOBID_DISP_LENGTH value is used for the output width. If jobid is defined with a specified output width, the specified output width overrides the LSB_JOBID_DISP_LENGTH value.


bjobs -o "jobid stat: queue:- project:10 application:-6 mem:12:G delimiter='^'" 123

This command (used to illustrate the different subcommands for -o) displays the following fields for a job with the job ID 123:

  • JOBID with unlimited width and left-aligned. If LSB_JOBID_DISP_LENGTH is specified, that value is used for the output width instead.
  • STAT with a maximum width of 5 characters (which is the recommended width) and left-aligned.
  • QUEUE with a maximum width of 10 characters (which is the recommended width) and right-aligned.
  • PROJECT with a maximum width of 10 characters and left-aligned.
  • APPLICATION with a maximum width of 6 characters and right-aligned.
  • MEM with a maximum width of 12 characters, a unit prefix of G (for gigabytes), and left-aligned.
  • The ^ character is displayed between different headers and fields.