Creating an organizational structure

Use the dashboard to create organizations that represent the structure of the enterprise.

What you should be able to do

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
  • Create an organizational structure.


When multiple composite applications use a service, it is vital, for effective governance, to determine who is responsible for that service.

Often, an enterprise organizes its staff reporting structure and finances around business operations. To the extent that an SOA organizes the enterprise's IT around those same operations, the department responsible for certain operations can also be responsible for the development and run time of the IT for those operations; that department owns those services. Yet the services and composite applications in an SOA often do not follow an enterprise's strict hierarchical reporting and financial structure, creating gaps and overlap in IT responsibilities.

Creating organizations

SOA Governance

As part of the setup, you create organizations that are represented in the registry. These are required to allow relationships to be built between services and organizations, to show service ownership and consumption.

You will create three organizations:
  • JKHL Enterprises, a top level organization, which represents the complete enterprise.
  • Common services, a child organization of JKHL Enterprises, which represents the departmental team that is responsible for the development and delivery of services that are shared across the enterprise.
  • Commercial, representing the commercial Line of Business (LoB).
  1. Create the top-level organization.
    1. If you have security enabled, log in to the WSRR dashboard with a user ID that is assigned to the SOA Governance role; otherwise go to the next step.
    2. In the dashboard, switch to the SOA Governance view, if necessary, by selecting it from the View list in the title bar. Ensure that the Overview page is selected.

      SOA Governance view

    3. In the Actions widget, click Create an Organization.

      Create an Organization link

    4. In the Create an Organization panel, enter JKHL Enterprises in the Name field.

      Create an Organization panel

  2. Create child organizations.
    1. Click Add Organization under the Child Organizations heading.

      Add Organization fields

    2. Click Create to open the Create: Organization panel.
    3. In the Name field, enter Common services and click Finish.

      Create: Organization panel

      Common services is added as a child organization of JKHL Enterprises.

    4. Under Child Organizations, click Add Organization.
    5. Click Create to open the Create: Organization panel.
    6. In the Name field, enter Commercial and click Finish. Commercial is added as a child organization of JKHL Enterprises.

      Create an Organization panel with child organizations added

    7. Click Finish to save your changes. The parent and child organizations are shown in the Detail widget.

      Detail widget

What you did in this lesson

In this lesson, you completed the following activities:
  • Created an organizational structure, with a top level organization, and child organizations beneath the top level