least() function

The least() function returns the smallest of input values.

You must specify at least two input values; you can specify a maximum of four values. Variable-length lists are not supported. The comparison for string values is based on a character set value. The character with the lowest character set value is considered the least value.


The syntax of the function has three forms, depending on the data type of the values that you are comparing:
int4 = Least(int4 value1, int4 value2, ...);
int8 = Least(int8 value1, int8 value2, ...);
double = Least(double value1, double value2, ...);
date  = Least(date value1, date value2, ...);
varchar = Least(varchar value1, varchar value2, ...);
timestamp  = Least(timestamp value1, timestamp value2, ...);
time  = Least(time value1, time value2, ...);
timetz  = Least(timetz value1, timetz value2, ...);
interval  = Least(interval value1, interval value2, ...);

The value1 value specifies the first input to compare.

The value2 value specifies the second input to compare.

The value3 value specifies the third input to compare.

The value4 value specifies the fourth input to compare.


The function returns the smallest value.


select least(14,45,75);
(1 row)

select least('Alpha Beta gamma','a');
 Alpha Beta gamma
(1 row)

select least(to_date('26-01-1234','DD-MM-YYYY'),
to_date('27 Feb 1200','DD Mon YYYY'));
(1 row)