Defining ClassAlias and FieldAlias annotations to correlate Java and .NET classes

Use ClassAlias and FieldAlias annotations to enable sharing of data grid data between your Java™ and .NET classes.

Before you begin

About this task

You might consider using ClassAlias and FieldAlias annotations if you have an existing Java class and want to create a corresponding C# class. In this scenario, you can add the annotations to your C# class that include the Java class name. For more information about the ClassAlias and FieldAlias annotations, see ClassAlias and FieldAlias annotations.


Use ClassAlias and FieldAlias annotations to correlate objects between a Java class and a C# class.
[Java programming language only]
Figure 1. Java example with ClassAlias and FieldAlias annotations
class {

     int myId;

      String name;
[.net programming language only]
Figure 2. .NET example with ClassAlias and FieldAlias attributes
[ ClassAlias( "Employee") ]
class Com.MyCompany.Employee {

     [ FieldAlias("id") ]
      int identifier;

      string name;