Automated decision-making

Decision Server provides tools for designing, developing, and deploying business rule applications. Rule Designer is an Eclipse-based development environment in which you can develop and integrate decision services. Rule Execution Server provides the runtime environment for running and monitoring decision services.

The following diagram illustrates the different tools that you use to develop and deploy a business rule application, and the tasks you must do for this development.

Illustration: Decision services based on Java or XML
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Get started
To get started with the development tools and processes for business rule applications, follow a tutorial. To learn more about the architecture of business rule applications, read an overview.

Tutorial: Getting started with business rules

Overview: Decision Server Rules

Migrating your rule projects to decision services

In Rule Designer, you design the granularity of your decision services and the contract between client applications and the decision service. You also design the model and vocabulary for authoring business rules.

Developing rulesets in Rule Designer

Designing projects for rule authoring

Tutorial: Creating and decision service with multiple projects

Tutorial: Defining a vocabulary

Tutorial: Creating your first ruleflow

Samples: Business rule management extensions

You create an initial set of business rules, and set up some tools to facilitate rule authoring for business users.

Authoring rules

Tutorial: Creating action rules

Tutorial: Editing decision tables

Samples: Rule-based programming

Samples: Authoring extensions

Tests and simulations
In Rule Designer you prepare the capability for business users to run tests and simulations in Decision Center.

Testing and simulating rulesets

Tutorial: Configuring the BOM for Excel testing

Relationship between the BOM and the Excel file

You develop your client applications in Rule Designer.

Developing client applications

Samples: Rule engine integration

You can run and debug the rules directly in Rule Designer, without having to deploy them beforehand. You can use a local rule engine to debug rule execution, and step through both the client code and the rules code.

Running rules in Rule Designer

Tutorial: Debugging a ruleset

You package the business rules into a RuleApp and deploy the RuleApp to a Rule Execution Server instance.

Deploying rules

Tutorial: Managing RuleApps

You administer and monitor business rule applications by using the tools that are provided with Rule Execution Server.

Managing rule execution in Rule Execution Server

Tutorial: Debugging a remote Rule Execution Server application

You can use Rule Execution Server to audit the rule execution trace, and see all the rules that are associated with a decision.

Sample: Decision Warehouse customization