Repackaging the Decision Center archive

You can repackage the Decision Center archive by using an Ant task.

When you add new .jar files to the Decision Center archive, you must repackage the archive by running the repackage-ear or repackage-war Ant task. This task does not use the server.url and datasourceName parameters.

If you have customized Decision Center, you must package the custom .jar files before you use the Ant task to repackage the Decision Center.

The repackage-ear or repackage-war Ant task takes the following parameters:
-DtargetEar=<target ear>
-DtargetWar=<target war> for servers that require WAR files.
-DsourceEar=<source ear>
-DsourceWar=<source war> for servers that require WAR files.
-DdescriptorsDir=<descriptors directory>
A directory that is copied into the META-INF directory of the target EAR (not mandatory).
-DadditionalJars=<"myjar1.jar,myjar2.jar, myjarn.jar">
Additional .jar files to store in the lib directory of the target archive (not mandatory).
A directory that you can specify to store temporary files (not mandatory).
-DwebResourcesDir=<web resources directory>
A directory that is copied into the WAR library (not mandatory).
Specifies whether to repackage the Business or the Enterprise WAR files. The default is both.