Updating a single dynamic domain

If Rule Designer is customized to use an Excel file or other external data sources for BOM domain values, you can update these values from the BOM Editor.

About this task

You can populate and update the values of an enumerated domain on the BOM classes that have the required properties for the dynamic domain provider.

If you are working on a single BOM class, you can update the values from the BOM editor using the Synchronize link.

If you want to update several classes at the same time, see Updating all dynamic domains.


To update a single BOM class:

  1. Open the BOM Editor.
  2. In the BOM Editor, open the class that defines the dynamic domain.
  3. Click Synchronize to populate the enumerated domain.

    If the value of the domain provider property is invalid, the Domain section displays following message: The value provider is invalid. Check the custom properties.

  4. Save the changes in the BOM.


If a value is no longer used, the value is set to deprecated, and a warning is displayed in the Problems view.