Oracle sensor

The Oracle sensor discovers Oracle Database servers.

Sensor name that is used in the GUI and logs



The following requirements must be met:

  • Discovery of the computer system must succeed.
  • Network connectivity between the TADDM server and the Oracle Listener must be functioning.

Security issues

The Oracle user credentials used to discover an Oracle database from TADDM, must have execute privileges. To ensure that the correct privileges are granted to the Oracle user, run the following command: grant execute on dbms_system to oracle_user;

The Oracle database account requires CONNECT privileges.

The Oracle access list user must have the following role: SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE.

Fix Pack
6If you are discovering Oracle12c, then there must be privileged common user to discover Oracle12c multitenant architecture. The common user must have sufficient privileges to perform operations in both CDB and PDBs.

To ensure that the correct privileges are granted to the Oracle common user, run the following commands from root container:

1. grant create session to <common_user> container=all;
2. grant execute on dbms_system to <common_user> container=all;
3. grant SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE to <common_user> container=all;
4. grant alter session to <common_user> container=all;
5. grant connect, resource to <common_user> container=all;
6. alter user <common_user> set container_data=all for v_$pdbs container=current;

To discover Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM), the read access must be granted to the following tables and views: dba_clusters, dba_constraints, dba_data_files, dba_db_links, dba_dimensions, dba_indexes, dba_mviews, dba_profiles, dba_role_privs, dba_roles, dba_rollback_segs, dba_segments, dba_sequences, dba_source, dba_synonyms, dba_sys_privs, dba_tab_privs, dba_tables, dba_tablespaces, dba_ts_quotas, dba_users, dba_views, global_name, gv$asm_client, gv$instance, sys.dba_tables, v$asm_diskgroup, v$backup, v$bgprocess, v$controlfile, v$database, v$datafile, v$log, v$logfile, v$parameter, v$pgastat, v$process, v$session, v$sga, v$sys_optimizer_env, and v$version.

Fix Pack
8If you are discovering Oracle18c or Oracle 19c, then there must be privileged common user to discover the multitenant architecture. The common user must have sufficient privileges to perform operations in both CDB and PDBs.