Enabling licenses

If you are installing the software for the first time or want to extend a license to continue using the product, you have options on how to enable licensing for your product. If you are installing the Starter Edition of the software, you do not need to enable license to author and debug tests. With the Starter Edition of the software, you need the run time licenses to run a load test of more than five users.

Licenses for this product are enabled in two ways:

Activation kits

The Product Activation Kit CD contains the permanent license key for you product. You use IBM® Installation Manager to import the activation kit to your product.

Floating license enforcement

Optionally, you can obtain floating license keys, install IBM Rational License Server, and enable floating license enforcement for your product. Floating license enforcement provides these benefits:

Note: Some 7.0 and later versions of Rational products require an upgraded version of the Rational License Server. See this support article for license upgrade information: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21250404

For more information about obtaining activation kits and floating licenses, see Purchasing licenses.
