WebSphere Message Broker REST API Documentation

This api is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version of WebSphere Message Broker. You should use the new API.

The API is described in the following sections:
View your broker resources.
Record and Replay
View your data and replay messages.


Use the REST Administration API to retrieve a tree structure that represents the current state of your broker. You can then retrieve the properties for each object in the tree.

Returning the complete Administration tree

Here is an example GET call:

REST options

	recurse = ( true | false )

GET calls

Strings containing braces are variables; replace these strings with the names of the broker resource that you are interested in.
GET calls for administrative resources
Request URI suffix Description
/admin/ List the resources at the broker level
/admin/executiongroup List the execution groups that are defined on the broker
/admin/executiongroup/{executionGroupName} Check for the existence of execution group {executionGroupName}
/admin/executiongroup/{executionGroupName}/properties Return the summary properties of execution group {executionGroupName}
/admin/executiongroup/{executionGroupName}/extendedproperties Return the extended properties of execution group {executionGroupName}
/admin/executiongroup/{executionGroupName}/application List the applications that are deployed on execution group {executionGroupName}
/admin/executiongroup/{executionGroupName}/application/{applicationName} Check for the existence of application {applicationName}
/admin/executiongroup/{executionGroupName}/application/{applicationName}/properties Return the summary properties of application {applicationName}
/admin/executiongroup/{executionGroupName}/application/{applicationName}/extendedproperties Return the extended properties of application {applicationName}
/admin/executiongroup/{executionGroupName}/application/{applicationName}/library List the libraries that are contained in application {applicationName}
/admin/executiongroup/{executionGroupName}/application/{applicationName}/library/{libraryName} Check for the existence of library {libraryName} in application {applicationName}
/admin/executiongroup/{executionGroupName}/application/{applicationName}/library/{libraryName}/properties Return the summary properties of library {libraryName}
/admin/executiongroup/{executionGroupName}/application/{applicationName}/library/{libraryName}/extendedproperties Return the extended properties of library {libraryName}
/admin/executiongroup/{executionGroupName}/messageflow | messageflowdependancy List the message flows or message flow dependancies in execution group {executionGroupName}
/admin/executiongroup/{executionGroupName}/messageflow | messageflowdependancy/{name} Check for the existence of message flow or message flow dependancy {name} in execution group {executionGroupName}
/admin/executiongroup/{executionGroupName}/messageflow | messageflowdependancy/{name}/properties Return the summary properties of the message flow or message flow dependancy {name}
/admin/executiongroup/{executionGroupName}/messageflow | messageflowdependancy/{name}/extendedproperties Return the extended properties of the message flow or message flow dependancy {name}
/admin/executiongroup/{executionGroupName}/application/{applicationName}/messageflow | messageflowdependancy List the message flows or message flow dependancies in application {applicationName}
/admin/executiongroup/{executionGroupName}/application/{applicationName}/messageflow | messageflowdependancy/{name} Check for the existence of message flow or message flow dependancy {name} in application {applicationName}
/admin/executiongroup/{executionGroupName}/application/{applicationName}/messageflow | messageflowdependancy/{name}/properties Return the summary properties of the message flow or message flow dependancy {name}
/admin/executiongroup/{executionGroupName}/application/{applicationName}/messageflow | messageflowdependancy/{name}/extendedproperties Return the extended properties of the message flow or message flow dependancy {name}

GET calls for Configurable Services
Request URI suffix Description
/admin/configurableservice List the configurable services that are defined on the broker
/admin/configurableservice/configurableservicetype List the configurable service types that are defined on the broker
/admin/configurableservice/{configurableservicetype} List the configurable services of type {configurableservicetype} that are defined on the broker
/admin/configurableservice/{configurableservicetype}/{configurableServiceName} Check for the existence of configurable service {configurableServiceName} of type {configurableservicetype}
/admin/configurableservice/{configurableservicetype}/{configurableServiceName}/properties Return the properties of configurable service {configurableServiceName} of type {configurableservicetype}

GET calls for the broker Administration log
Request URI suffix Description
/admin/log/Log/propreties List the administration log entries
/admin/adminqueue/Administration Queue/properties Display the administration queue properties

Record and Replay

Use the REST "Record and Replay" API to access the data capture stores on the broker. You can retrieve lists of messages that match a filter, or other message-specific information, such as message bitstreams or exception lists. You can also replay a message by putting it to a specified destination.

Example GET calls

Query the broker data capture store and return a list of matching messages:

Return a message payload:

Example POST calls

Replay a message payload:

REST options

Data Query
numberOfEntriesPerPage = {integer}
pageNumber = {integer}
sortby = {DataFilterColumn}
order = {ASC | DESC}
Data Filter Column
WMB_MSGKEY = {uniqueMsgId}
EVENT_TYPE = {integer}
EVENT_NAME = {string}
EVENT_SRCADDR = {string}
BROKER_NAME = {string}
BROKER_UUID = {string}
EXGRP_NAME = {string}
EXGRP_UUID = {string}
MSGFLOW_NAME = {string}
MSGFLOW_UUID = {string}
APPL_NAME = {string}
APPL_UUID = {string}
LIBRARY_NAME = {string}
LIBRARY_UUID = {string}
NODE_NAME = {string}
NODE_TYPE = {string}
TERMINAL_NAME = {string}
DETAILS = {string}
KEY_FLD_1_NM = {string}
KEY_FLD_2_NM = {string}
KEY_FLD_3_NM = {string}
KEY_FLD_4_NM = {string}
KEY_FLD_5_NM = {string}
All string filters are by default a substring match. The * character can be used as a wildcard to match 0 or more characters in the middle of a string.
If substring matching is not desired, enclose the string in either single or double quotes.
Note that '*hello world*' and hello world are equivalent.
Data Payload
?download = ( true | false }
Data Replay (Post parameters)
replaydestination = {DataDestination}

GET calls

Strings containing braces are variables; replace these strings with the names of the broker resource that you are interested in.
GET calls
Request URI suffix Description
/datacapturestore List the data capture stores that are available on the broker
/datacapturestore/{DataCaptureStore}/ List the data stored in data capture store {DataCaptureStore}
/datacapturestore/{DataCaptureStore}/?HAS_BITSTREAM=Y List the data stored in data capture store {DataCaptureStore} that has an associated bitstream
/datacapturestore/{DataCaptureStore}/{msgKey}?payload=BITSTREAM Return the data payload of message key {msgKey}
/datacapturestore/{DataCaptureStore}/{msgKey}?payload=EXCEPTIONLIST Return the exception list of message key {msgKey}

POST calls

Strings containing braces are variables; replace these strings with the names of the broker resource that you are interested in.
POST calls
Request URI suffix Post Data Description
/datacapturestore/{DataCaptureStore}/{msgKey} replaydestination={DataDestination} Replay the message with id {msgKey} from data capture store {DataCaptureStore} to the specified destination {DataDestination}

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