Understanding delays and hangs in zFS using the zFS hang detector

The zFS hang detector automatically monitors the current location of the various tasks processing in zFS. At a set interval, the hang detector thread wakes up and scans the current user requests that have been called into zFS. The hang detector processes this list of tasks and notes various pieces of information to determine the location of the task. When the hang detector determines that a task has remained in the same location for a predefined period of time, it attempts to determine why it is not making progress. This might cause zFS messages or dumps. Certain zFS messages can remain on the screen while the delay continues. If subsequently, the hang detector recognizes that this task has finally progressed, it removes zFS message from the console. If the zFS message is removed, it means that the delay has cleared and was just a slowdown because of a stressful workload or some other issue. In this case, you can discard any zFS dumps that occur because of this delay.

Several zFS messages warn of potential problems in the zFS address space that have to do with delays. If zFS determines there is a true deadlock, zFS initiates dumps of all systems. The system that detected the deadlock stops and restarts zFS to clear the deadlock. Some delays involve only a single system; other delays in a shared file system environment can involve other systems and XCF communications.

IOEZ00xxxI zFS messages are issued by the zFS hang detector and generally remain on the console until the situation is resolved. Resolution occurs when:
  • The delayed task completes without any external correction. This is a slowdown and not a hang, Discard any zFS system dumps.
  • The delayed task is cancelled or the request is timed out. In these cases, you should supply any system dump taken by zFS to IBM® service for diagnosis.
For delays, zFS issues several messages to attempt to diagnose what might be involved in the delay. A delay might occur when:
  • zFS invokes another component (such as allocation, open/close, or global resource serialization). In this case, zFS issues message IOEZ00604I or IOEZ00660I to recommend that you use the other component's diagnosis material to determine the cause of the delay. zFS does not produce a dump.
  • There is heavy system activity with higher priority tasks delaying lower priority tasks or a delay in another system service that is not covered by message IOEZ00604I. In this case, zFS issues message IOEZ00605I, but does not produce a dump.