Default configuration file

The default configuration file, (/usr/lpp/cbclib/xlc/etc/xlc.cfg.), specifies information that the compiler uses when you invoke it. This file defines values used by the compiler to compile C or C++ programs. You can make entries to this file to support specific compilation requirements or to support other C or C++ compilation environments. Options specified in the configuration file override the default settings of the option. Similarly, options specified in the configuration file are in turn overridden by options set in the source file and on the command line. Options that do not follow this scheme are listed in Specifying compiler options.

Example: The following example shows a default configuration file:
* FUNCTION: z/OS 2.1.1 XL C/C++ Compiler Configuration file
* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
* 5650-ZOS Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2014
* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
* C compiler, extended mode
xlc:      use               = DEFLT

* XPLINK C compiler, extended mode
xlc_x:    use               = DEFLT

* 64 bit C compiler, extended mode
xlc_64:   use               = DEFLT

* C compiler, common usage C
cc:       use               = DEFLT

* XPLINK C compiler, common usage C
cc_x:     use               = DEFLT

* 64 bit C compiler, common usage C
cc_64:    use               = DEFLT

* Strict ANSI C 89 compiler
c89:      use               = DEFLT

* XPLINK Strict ANSI C 89 compiler
c89_x:    use               = DEFLT

* 64 bit Strict ANSI C 89 compiler
c89_64:   use               = DEFLT

* ISO/IEC 9899:1999 Standard Compliant C Compiler
c99:      use               = DEFLT

* XPLINK ISO/IEC 9899:1999 Standard Compliant C Compiler
c99_x:    use               = DEFLT

* 64 bit ISO/IEC 9899:1999 Standard Compliant C Compiler
c99_64:   use               = DEFLT

* ANSI C++ compiler
cxx:      use               = DEFLT
          xlC               = /usr/lpp/cbclib/xlc/bin/.orig/xlC
          ipa               = /bin/cxx

* XPLINK ANSI C++ compiler
cxx_x:    use               = DEFLT
          xlC               = /usr/lpp/cbclib/xlc/bin/.orig/xlC
          ipa               = /bin/cxx

* 64 bit ANSI C++ compiler
cxx_64:   use               = DEFLT
          xlC               = /usr/lpp/cbclib/xlc/bin/.orig/xlC
          ipa               = /bin/cxx

* ANSI C++ compiler
c++:      use               = DEFLT
          xlC               = /usr/lpp/cbclib/xlc/bin/.orig/xlC
          ipa               = /bin/cxx

* XPLINK ANSI C++ compiler
c++_x:    use               = DEFLT
          xlC               = /usr/lpp/cbclib/xlc/bin/.orig/xlC
          ipa               = /bin/cxx

* 64 bit ANSI C++ compiler
c++_64:   use               = DEFLT
          xlC               = /usr/lpp/cbclib/xlc/bin/.orig/xlC
          ipa               = /bin/cxx

* C++ compiler, extended mode
xlC:      use               = DEFLT
          xlC               = /usr/lpp/cbclib/xlc/bin/.orig/xlC
          ipa               = /bin/cxx

* XPLINK C++ compiler, extended mode
xlC_x:    use               = DEFLT
          xlC               = /usr/lpp/cbclib/xlc/bin/.orig/xlC
          ipa               = /bin/cxx

* 64 bit C++ compiler, extended mode
xlC_64:   use               = DEFLT
          xlC               = /usr/lpp/cbclib/xlc/bin/.orig/xlC
          ipa               = /bin/cxx

* C++ compiler, extended mode
xlc++:    use               = DEFLT
          xlC               = /usr/lpp/cbclib/xlc/bin/.orig/xlC
          ipa               = /bin/cxx

* XPLINK C++ compiler, extended mode
xlc++_x:  use               = DEFLT
          xlC               = /usr/lpp/cbclib/xlc/bin/.orig/xlC
          ipa               = /bin/cxx

* 64 bit C++ compiler, extended mode
xlc++_64: use               = DEFLT
          xlC               = /usr/lpp/cbclib/xlc/bin/.orig/xlC
          ipa               = /bin/cxx

* common definitions
DEFLT:    cppcomp           = /usr/lpp/cbclib/xlc/exe/ccndrvr
          ccomp             = /usr/lpp/cbclib/xlc/exe/ccndrvr
          ipacomp           = /usr/lpp/cbclib/xlc/exe/ccndrvr
          ipa               = /bin/c89
          as                = /bin/c89
          ld_c              = /bin/c89
          ld_cpp            = /bin/cxx
          xlC               = /usr/lpp/cbclib/xlc/bin/xlc
          xlCcopt           = -D_XOPEN_SOURCE
          sysobj            = cee.sceeobj:cee.sceecpp
          syslib            = cee.sceelkex:cee.sceelked:cbc.sccnobj:sys1.csslib
          syslib_x          = cee.sceebnd2:cbc.sccnobj:sys1.csslib
          exportlist_c      = NONE
          exportlist_cpp    = cee.sceelib(c128n):cbc.sclbsid(iostream,complex)
          exportlist_c_x    = cee.sceelib(celhs003,celhs001)
          exportlist_cpp_x  = cee.sceelib(celhs003,celhs001,celhscpp,c128):
          exportlist_c_64   = cee.sceelib(celqs003)
          exportlist_cpp_64 = cee.sceelib(celqs003,celqscpp,c64):cbc.sclbsid(iosx64)
          steplib           = NONE