z/OS TSO/E REXX Reference
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How IRXINIT determines what values to use for the environment

z/OS TSO/E REXX Reference

When the system calls IRXINIT to automatically initialize a language processor environment, IRXINIT must first determine what values to use for the environment. IRXINIT uses the values that are defined in one of the three default parameters modules that TSO/E provides and the values that are defined for the previous language processor environment.

IRXINIT always identifies a previous language processor environment. If an environment has not been initialized in the address space, IRXINIT uses the values in the default parameters module IRXPARMS as the previous environment. The following topics describe how IRXINIT determines the values for a new environment when the system calls IRXINIT to automatically initialize an environment in the TSO/E and non-TSO/E address spaces. Chains of environments and how environments are located describes how any TSO/E REXX routine locates a previous environment.

Result: If you call IRXINIT to initialize an environment, IRXINIT evaluates the parameters you pass on the call and the parameters defined for the previous environment. Initialization routine - IRXINIT describes how IRXINIT determines what values to use when a user explicitly calls the IRXINIT routine.

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