UCB Section

This section contains a portion of the UCB (see fields SMF14NUC and SMF14SUC). If you coded DSECT=YES when calling the IFGSMF14 macro, then it generates a DSECT statement at this point with the DSECT name with "UCB" appended to it. For example, if you did not code a label on the IFGSMF14 call, the name of this DSECT will be IFGSMFUCB.

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 SMFUCBDV 2 binary Device number. If this field contains X'7FFF', this could be a virtual I/O (VIO) data set. If bit 7 of field SMF14RIN is set to one, this is a VIO data set.
Virtual I/O devices are identified by the following:
Device Class
Unit Type
Device Number
It is important to understand the following:
  • Allocation messages for VIO data sets will show VIO ALLOCATED TO ddname.
  • SMF records will show VIO unit addresses as X'7FFF'.
  • The actual in-storage UCB built for VIO will show address X'3FFF'.
For example, the following messages indicate that ddname is not allocated to a Virtual I/O device, but is instead allocated to a real device whose unit address is X'3FFF' or X'7FFF' respectively:
  • IEF237I X'3FFF' ALLOCATED TO ddname
  • IEF237I X'7FFF' ALLOCATED TO ddname
2 2 SMFSRTEV 6 EBCDIC Volume serial number.
8 8 SMFUCBTY 4 binary Unit type. This field is mapped by UCBTYP in the UCB mapping.
12 C SMFSRTES 1 binary DASD volume status indicator. This field indicates whether this DASD volume is a private, public, storage, or control volume. For PDSE data sets, this field will always contain X'0'. This field is mapped by UCBSTAB in the UCB mapping.
13 D SMF14NEX 1 binary Number of extents.
14 E SMF14RV5 2   Reserved.
16 10 SMFEXCP 4 binary EXCP count for entire step. Note that if a data set is opened and closed twice during a single step, the count in the second type 14 record is the sum of all EXCPs for both uses of the data set. (The EXCP count in the last type 14 record for the step is equal to the corresponding entry for the data set in record type 4). For more information about EXCP count, see EXCP Count. For PDSE data sets, the number of pages that were read or written. For compressed data sets the number of physical blocks (see SMF14CIS for physical block size) that were read or written.

For each UCB tape extension, there is a four-byte entry with the following format:

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 SMFSRTEF 2 binary Data set sequence count.
2 2 SMFSRTEQ 2 binary Data set sequence number.

The following four bytes apply to the UCB section if DASD (see SMFUCBTY):

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 SMF14NTA 4 binary Number of tracks allocated on the device. For PDSE data sets, this field will always contain X'0'.