Subtype 7 — JES3 Internal Reader DSP Analysis

This subtype has one section.

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 R84IRLNG 4 binary Length of JES3 internal reader DSP analysis data section.
4 4 R84IRMN 4 binary Minimum number of active internal reader DSPs.
8 8 R84IRMX 4 binary Maximum number of active internal reader DSPs.
12 C R84IRAV 4 binary Average number of active internal reader DSPs.
16 10 R84IRIR 4 binary Average number of idle internal reader DSPs.
20 14 R84IRHWM 4 binary Internal reader DSP high water mark.
24 18 R84IRATM 4 binary Active INTRDR-At-Max count.
28 1C R84IRAT0 4 binary No-INTRDR-Active count.
32 20 R84IRAVL 4 binary Average length of the INTRDR queue.
36 24 R84IRMXA 4 binary Maximum internal reader DSPs allowed; if it is 0000FFFF, there is no limit on the number of INTRDR DSPs allowed.