SMF 99 Product Information

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 2 SMF99VN2 2 binary Record sub-version. Use to identify changes to the record in the service stream.
2 2 SMF99RVN 2 binary Record version number.
4 4 SMF99PNM 8 EBCDIC Product name - SRM
12 C SMF99SLV 8 EBCDIC System level from which record was cut (Copied from CVTPRODN).
20 14 SMF99SNM 8 EBCDIC System name from which record was cut (Copied from CVTSNAME)
28 1C SMP99FLG 1 binary Record Flags:
Meaning when set
Only a subset of the available data was written to avoid that this record gets larger than 32 KByte
Only a subset of the available data is written to this record. The rest follows in subsequent records. This record contains a reassembly area.
29 1D   3 EBCDIC Reserved.