PDSE Statistics Section (Type6)

This section describes the statistical information acquired for PDSE Data Sets. If you coded DSECT=YES when calling the IFGSMF14 macro, then it generates a DSECT statement at this point with the DSECT name with "PSI" appended to it. For example, if you did not code a label on the IFGSMF14 call, the name of this DSECT will be IFGSMFPSI.

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 SMF14DRD 4 binary Directory read request count.
4 4 SMF14DRDH 4 binary Directory read hit count.
8 8 SMF14MRD 4 binary Member read request count.
12 C SMF14MRDH 4 binary Member read hit count.
16 10 SMF14MCE 4 binary Member cache eligible count.
20 14 SMF14MST 4 binary Member cache stolen count.
24 18 SMF14MNC 4 binary Member cache eligible but not cached count.
28 1C SMF14MCF 4 binary Member cache eligible but cache full count.
Note: If concatenation is involved, the counts reflect the total count for all concatenated PDSE data sets.