Multi-trans Shell

A multi-trans TP is typically coded with a multi-trans shell, an environment that performs initialization and termination processing, surrounding the part of the TP that holds conversations.

Multi-trans shell processing can be distinguished by the generic ID (also indicated by a “generic” flag) associated with the type 33 record (see Figure 1). The generic ID is charged for the setup and cleanup work done by the multi-trans TP when it begins and ends, and when it does processing following a Return_Transaction call. Charging a generic ID means the first user is not charged for initialization processing for all users, nor is the last user charged for cleanup processing for all users.

Your billing for the multi-trans shell will probably be similar to your billing procedures for system address spaces.

Figure 1. Example of multi-trans shell processing
Example of multi-trans shell processing
  1. Represents possible events in the life of a multi-trans TP. Items 2, 3, 4, and 5 correspond with these events.
  2. Points at which SMF writes the type 30 (subtypes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) record. INIT represents initialization and TERM represents termination.
  3. Points at which SMF writes a type 33 (subtype 1) record to reflect multi-trans shell activity. This record represents the time period since the last event. Multi-trans shell records do not contain scheduler data (such as LU names and queue times).
  4. Points at which SMF writes a type 33 (subtype 1) record to reflect individual user requests to receive service (GETTRANS) from the multi-trans TP. This record represents the time period since the last event.
  5. Points at which SMF writes a type 33 (subtype 2) record to reflect individual conversations within the multi-trans shell. DEALLOCATE represents conversation deallocation.