Header/Self-defining Section

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0   SMF99TOF 4 binary Offset to trace section from beginning of record (including RDW).
4 4 SMF99TLN 2 binary Length of a trace table entry.
6 6 SMF99TON 2 binary Number of trace table entries. There is one trace table entry per action or contemplated action.
8 8 SMF99SSOF 4 binary Offset to system state section from beginning of record (including RDW).
12 C SMF99SSLN 2 binary Length of system state section.
14 E SMF99SSON 2 binary Number of system state sections (always 1).
16 10 SMF99PPOF 4 binary Offset to paging plot section from beginning of the record (including RDW).
20 14 SMF99PPLN 2 binary Length of the paging plot section.
22 16 SMF99PPON 2 binary Number of paging plot sections (always 1).
24 18 SMF99PTOF 4 binary Offset to priority table entries from beginning of record (including RDW).
28 1C SMF99PTLN 2 binary Length of a priority table entry.
30 1E SMF99PTON 2 binary Number of priority table entries. There is one priority table entry per dispatching priority.
32 20 SMF99RGOF 4 binary Offset to resource group entries from beginning of record (including RDW). This field is zero when there are no resource groups defined in the service policy.
36 24 SMF99RGLN 2 binary Length of a resource group entry. This field is zero when there are no resource groups defined in the service policy.
38 26 SMF99RGON 2 binary Number of resource group entries. There is one resource group entry per resource group in the service policy. This field is zero when there are no resource groups defined in the service policy.
40 28 SMF99GROF 4 binary Offset to the generic resource section from the beginning of the record (including RDW).
44 2C SMF99GRLN 2 binary Length of the generic resource section.
46 2E SMF99GRON 2 binary Number of generic resource sections. There is one generic resource group entry per generic resource group in the service policy. This field is zero when there are no generic resource groups defined in the service policy.
48 30 SMF99SLOF 4 binary Offset to the software licensing service table section from the beginning of the record (including RDW).
52 34 SMF99SLLN 2 binary Length of the software licensing section.
54 36 SMF99SLON 2 binary Number of software licensing sections.
56 38 SMF99SLTOF 4 binary Offset to the software licensing service table section from the beginning of the record (including RDW).
60 3C SMF99SLTLN 2 binary Length of the software licensing service table section.
62 3E SMF99SLTON 2 binary Number of software licensing service table sections.
64 40 SMF99PIOF 4 binary Offset to priority table entries (zAAP) from the beginning of the record (including RDW).
68 44 SMF99PILN 2 binary Length of a priority table entry.
70 46 SMF99PION 2 binary Number of priority table entries (zAAP). There is one priority table entry per dispatching priority.
72 48 SMF99ZEOF 4 binary Offset of internal use section.
76 4C SMF99ZELN 2 binary Length of internal use section.
78 4E SMF99ZEON 2 binary Number of internal use section.
72 48 SMF99ZEOF 4 binary Offset to the zIIP entitlement sections from the beginning of the record.
76 4C SMF99ZELN 2 binary Length of a zIIP entitlement section.
78 4E SMF99ZEON 2 binary Number of zIIP entitlement sections.
80 50 SMF99PSOF 4 binary Offset to priority table entries (zIIP) from the beginning of the record (including RDW).
84 54 SMF99PSLN 2 binary Length of a priority table entry.
86 56 SMF99PSON 2 binary Number of priority table entries (zIIP). There is one priority table entry per dispatching priority.