General Spool Data Management Data Section

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 R84SDMLN 4 binary Length of the SDM section.
4 4 R84BUFSZ 4 binary Spool buffer size.
8 8 R84NBFPG 4 binary Number of buffers per 4K page.
12 C R84FDENT 4 binary File directory entries.
16 10 R84SPDSU 4 binary Number of spool data sets in use.
20 14 R84JSAMB 4 binary Number of JSAM buffers.
24 18 R84JSAMT 4 binary JSAM threshold for JSAM minbuf condition.
28 1C R84PBUFC 4 binary Number of protected user spool access method (USAM) buffers in common service area.
32 20 R84PBUFA 4 binary Number of protected user spool access method (USAM) buffers in AUX.
36 24 R84UPBUF 4 binary Number of unprotected user spool access method (USAM) buffers per open USAM data set.
40 28 R84MAXB 4 binary Maximum data bytes in a user spool access method (USAM) buffer.
44 2C R84DSENT 4 binary Total number of spool data set description entries.
48 30 R84DSOFF 4 binary Offset to the first spool data set description entry.
52 34 R84PRENT 4 binary Total number of spool partition description entries.
56 38 R84PROFF 4 binary Offset to the first spool partition description entry.
60 3C R84SUENT 4 binary Total number of spool space utilization snapshot entries.
64 40 R84SUOFF 4 binary Address of the first spool space utilization snapshot entry.
68 44 R84STENT 4 binary Total number of single track table space allocation snapshot entries.
72 48 R84STOFF 4 binary Offset to the first single track table space allocation snapshot entry.
76 4C R84IOENT 4 binary Total number of spool I/O activity — buffers read and written (entries).
80 50 R84IOOFF 4 binary Offset to the first spool I/O activity — buffers read and written (entry).
84 54 R84BCENT 4 binary Total number of buffer chaining by spool data set entries.
88 58 R84BCOFF 4 binary Offset to the first buffer chaining by spool data set entry.
92 5C R84JSAMU 4 binary Number of times JSAM buffers were unavailable.
96 60 R84USAMU 4 binary Number of times user spool access method (USAM) unavailable buffers occurred.
100 64 R84MMENT 4 binary Total number of minimal/marginal track condition entries.
104 68 R84MMOFF 4 binary Offset to the first minimal/marginal track condition entry.
108 6C R84AWBUF 4 binary Number of AWAITS of buffers during JMF monitoring.
112 70 R84AWEVR 4 binary Number of AWAITS of buffers since JES3 initialization.