General Information Section

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 R84FOE 4 binary Number of fixed pages in thousands.
4 4 R84FOESZ 4 binary Total size of all fixed pages in thousands.
8 8 R84SLOT 4 binary Auxiliary slot count.
12 C R84SLOTS 4 binary Total size of all auxiliary slots, in thousands.
16 10 R84JPIN 4 binary JES3 page-ins during JMF monitoring.
20 14 R84JPOUT 4 binary JES3 page-outs during JMF monitoring.
24 18 R84JPREC 4 binary JES3 page reclaims during JMF monitoring.
28 1C R84JPGCT 4 binary JES3 paging count during JMF monitoring.
32 20 R84SPGCT 4 binary System paging count (non-swappable, non-VIO) during JMF monitoring.
JES3 working set information:
36 24 R84WSPLO 4 binary Low range of working set plot scale, in thousands.
40 28 R84WSPHI 4 binary High range of working set plot scale, in thousands.
44 2C R84WSINC 4 binary Increment for working set plot, in thousands.
48 30 R84WSMIN 4 binary Minimal working set size, in thousands.
52 34 R84WSMAX 4 binary Maximum working set size, in thousands.
56 38 R84WSAVG 4 binary Average working set size, in thousands.
60 3C R84JMFSZ 4 binary JMF size included in working set sizes, in thousands.
64 40 R84WSPTN 4 binary Total number of working set plot counter entries.
68 44 R84WSPTO 4 binary Offset of first working set plot counter entry.
JES3 subtasks information:
72 48 R84ONES 4 binary Number of times there was a single JES3 subtask posted.
76 4C R84TWOS 4 binary Number of times there were two JES3 subtasks posted concurrently.
80 50 R84THREE 4 binary Number of times there were three JES3 subtasks posted concurrently.
84 54 R84FOURS 4 binary Number of times there were four or more JES3 subtasks posted concurrently.
88 58 R84SUBNM 4 binary Total number of JES3 subtask entries.
92 5C R84SUBOF 4 binary Offset to the first JES3 subtask entry.
96 60 R84NNFCT 4 binary Number of times JES3 nucleus task posted (but no FCT posted).
100 64 R84ANFCT 4 binary Number of times JES3 auxiliary task posted (but no FCT posted).