Example of using the IFASEXIT LOGR interface exit

Figure 1 shows sample JCL for invoking the IFASEXIT LOGR interface exit. In this example, the IFASEXIT exit is invoked by the IEBGENER utility to extract SMF records from the logstream named IFASMF.MULTSYS.DEFAULT. SMF records selected for output must have been written to the logstream between 1:00 AM on July 19, 2010 to 10:00 PM on October 25, 2010. Only records that were generated on the system with the ID SY1 are selected for output. Browsing of the logstream is discontinued when a record that was generated on the SY1 system is found to have a date and time that is past 11:00 PM on October 25, 2010.

Figure 1. Sample JCL to invoke the IFASEXIT LOGR interface
//            LRECL=32756,RECFM=VB,   
//            BLKSIZE=32760,  
// SUBSYS=(LOGR,IFASEXIT,'FROM=(2010/200,01:00),TO=(2010/298,22:00)',
//        'SID(SY1),SMEP(0100)')  
//            UNIT=SYSALLDA,   
//            DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE),   
//            LRECL=32756,RECFM=VB, 
//            BLKSIZE=32760,  
//            SPACE=(CYL,(90,1),RLSE)  

You can obtain records from the SMF logstream by writing a program that uses the IXGCONN and IXGBRWSE system logger services to return SMF data. The data returned by the IXGBRWSE service for the SMF log stream is mapped by the IFAQUAA mapping macro. For information about the IFAQUAA mapping macro, see z/OS® MVS™ Data Areas in z/OS Internet library. See z/OS MVS Programming: Assembler Services Guide for information about using system logger services.