Enhanced SYSOUT Support (ESS) Section for IP PrintWay™

This section contains the output descriptor (if any) for first offloaded data set in this record:

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 SMF6LN5 2 binary Length of ESS section (including this field).
2 2 SMF6SGID 4 binary Segment identifier.
6 6 SMF6IND 1 binary Section indicator:
Meaning when set
Error obtaining scheduler JCL facility (SJF) information. Scheduler work block text unit (SWBTU) data area is not present.
7 7 SMF6RSV 1   Reserved.
8 8 SMF6JDVT 8 EBCDIC JCL definition table (JDT) name in JCL definition vector table (JDTV).
16 10 SMF6TUL 2 binary Text unit (SWBTU) data area length.
18 12 SMF6TU VAR binary Text unit (SWBTU) data area. The data area can be processed using the SWBTUREQ macro.