Capacity group data section

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0   SMF99B_ CAPACITYGROUPNAME 8 EBCDIC Name of the capacity group. All partitions that have the same capacity group name build the capacity group.
8 8 SMF99B_ GroupProcessorDispatchTime 8 binary The dispatch time accumulated over all processors of all LPARs belonging to the capacity group.
16 10 SMF99B_GroupWeight 4 binary The weight accumulated over all LPARs belonging to the capacity group.
20 14 SMF99B_Group_Msu_Limit 4 binary The group limit in million service units per hour (MSU).
24 18 SMF99B_ImgMsuLimit 4 binary Capacity in millions of service units per hour, which is derived from defined and group capacity.
28 1C SMF99B_ CecNumberOfPartitions 4 binary Number of partitions, returned in the output area of the Diagnose 204 hardware instruction.
32 20 SMF99B_ GrpNumberOfPartitions 4 binary Number of partitions in the same group as this partition.
36 24 SMF99B_AvgUnused 4 binary Average unused rate in millions of service units per hour. This is a long term average.
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56 38 SMF99B_DonatedServiceUnits 4 binary Indicates that service units have been donated by one or more group members during the last complete five minute intervals.
60 3C SMF99B_ReceiverWeight 4 binary The weight accumulated over all receivers of donated service units.
64 40 SMF99B_ImgBaseMsu 4 binary Capacity in MSU that belongs to this image. The capacity depends on the ratio between the current weight and the group weight.
68 44 SMF99B_ServiceTableIndex 4 binary Index to the current entry for the SMF99B_ImgService field.
72 48 SMF99B_GroupJoinedTod 8 binary Timestamp when this LPAR joined its group.
80 50   1244   Reserved.