3800 (non-impact) printing subsystem section for JES2 output writer

This section contains information on the activity of the 3800 (non-impact) printing subsystem.

Offsets Name Length Format Description
64 40 SMF6LN2 2 binary Length of 3800 printing subsystem section including this field.
66 42 SMF6CPS 8 binary Number of copies in each copy group. Each byte represents one copy group, and the sum of the 8 bytes is the total number of copies printed. A change in this field will cause a new record type 6 record.
74 4A SMF6CHR 16 EBCDIC Names of the character arrangement tables that define the characters used in printing. Each name is 4 bytes long, with a maximum of 4 names. A change in this field will cause a new record type 6.
90 5A SMF6MID 4 EBCDIC Names of the copy modification module used to modify the data. A change in this field will cause a new record type 6.
94 5E SMF6FLI 4 EBCDIC Name of the forms overlay printed on the copies. A change in this field will cause a new record type 6.
98 62 SMF6FLC 1 binary Number of copies on which the forms overlay is printed A change in this field will cause a new record type 6.
99 63 SMF6BID 1 binary Options indicator
Meaning when set
Output was burst into sheets by the Burster-Trimmer-Stacker
DCB subparameter OPTCD=J was specified. Each output data line contained a table reference character that selected the character arrangement table used when printing that line.

*A change in this field will cause a new record type 6.