Controlling how much mail and calendar data is initially synced

You can use NOTES.INI settings on the IBM® Mail Server Add-on (IMSA) server to control how much older mail and calendar data is synced to the IBM mail support for Microsoft Outlook (IMSMO) client when it is first set up. By default, only mail and calendar entries that are 30 days old or less are initially synced.

About this task

Note: If you have a large number of users on a server who have completed initial sync and are using IMSMO, it is best to keep the initial sync limit to mail and calendar entries that are 30 days old or less. Increasing or removing the limit in this case can cause long delays in mail syncing.
Table 1. NOTES.INI settings to control initial sync of mail and calendar data
Setting Description
NTS_PRIMESYNC_TIME_LIMITS_MAIL_ENABLED=false Enables all mail messages to be initially synced.
NTS_PRIMESYNC_TIME_LIMITS_MAIL_DAYS=value Specifies a number of days of messages to initially sync. By default, messages that are 30 days old or less are synced.
NTS_PRIMESYNC_TIME_LIMITS_CALENDAR_ENABLED=false Enables all calendar meetings to be initially synced. This setting is not recommended because it can negatively affect performance, especially during the initial sync.
NTS_PRIMESYNC_TIME_LIMITS_CALENDAR_DAYS=value Specifies a number of days of meetings to initially sync. By default, meetings that are 30 days old or less are synced.
Note: If you have a large number of users on a server who have completed initial sync and are using IMSMO, it is best not to increase or remove the 30-day limit. Otherwise, there can be long delays in mail syncing.
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