QUERY DRMSTATUS (Query disaster recovery manager system parameters)

Use this command to display information about the system parameters defined for disaster recovery manager (DRM).

Privilege class

Any administrator can issue this command.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-Query DRMSTatus---------------------------------------------><



Example: Display DRM system parameter information

Display information about the DRM system parameters:
query drmstatus
              Recovery Plan Prefix:
          Plan Instructions Prefix:
        Replacement Volume Postfix: @
             Primary Storage Pools: PRIM1 PRIM2
                Copy Storage Pools: COPY*
         Active-Data Storage Pools: TSMACTIVEPOOL
       Not Mountable Location name: Local
                      Courier Name: Fedex
                   Vault Site Name: Ironmnt
  DB Backup Series expiration days: 30 Day(s)
Recovery Plan File Expiration Days: 30 Days(s)
                      Check Label?: No
         Process FILE Device Type?: No
                 Command file name:

Field descriptions

Recovery Plan Prefix
User-specified prefix portion of the file name for the recovery plan file.
Plan Instructions Prefix
User-specified prefix portion of the file names for the server recovery instructions files.
Replacement Volume Postfix
The character added to the end of the replacement volume names in the recovery plan file.
Primary Storage Pools
The primary storage pools that are eligible for processing by the PREPARE command. If this field is blank, all primary storage pools are eligible.
Copy Storage Pools
The copy storage pools that are eligible for processing by the MOVE DRMEDIA, PREPARE, and QUERY DRMEDIA commands. If this field is blank, all copy storage pools are eligible.
Active-Data Storage Pools
The active-data pools that are eligible for processing by the MOVE DRMEDIA, PREPARE, and QUERY DRMEDIA commands. If this field is blank, active-data pools are not eligible.
Not Mountable Location Name
The name of the offsite location where the media to be shipped are stored.
Courier Name
The name of the courier used to carry the media to the vault.
Vault Site Name
The name of the vault where the media is stored.
DB Backup Series Expiration Days
The minimum number of days that must elapse since a database series has been created before it is eligible to be expired. See the SET DRMDBBACKUPEXPIREDAYS command for information about the criteria that must be met for database backup series expiration.
Recovery Plan File Expiration Days
The minimum number of days that must elapse since a recovery plan file, stored on a target server, has been created before it is eligible to be expired. See the SET DRMRPFEXPIREDAYS command for information about the criteria that must be met for recovery plan file expiration.
Check Label?
Whether media labels are read for sequential media volumes checked out by the MOVE DRMEDIA command. Possible values are Yes or No.
Process FILE Device Type?
Whether MOVE DRMEDIA or QUERY DRMEDIA commands process database backup and copy storage pool volumes associated with a device class with a FILE device type. Possible values are Yes or No.
Command File Name
The full path file name that contains the executable commands generated by the MOVE DRMEDIA or QUERY DRMEDIA command.

Related commands

Table 1. Commands related to QUERY DRMSTATUS
Command Description
MOVE DRMEDIA Moves DRM media onsite and offsite.
PREPARE Creates a recovery plan file.
QUERY DRMEDIA Displays information about disaster recovery volumes.
SET DRMCHECKLABEL Specifies whether Tivoli Storage Manager should read volume labels during MOVE DRMEDIA command processing.
SET DRMACTIVEDATASTGPOOL Specifies that active-data storage pools are managed by DRM.
SET DRMCOPYSTGPOOL Specifies that copy storage pools are managed by DRM.
SET DRMCMDFILENAME Specifies a file name for containing DRM executable commands.
SET DRMCOURIERNAME Specifies the name of the courier for the disaster recovery media.
SET DRMDBBACKUPEXPIREDAYS Specifies criteria for database backup series expiration.
SET DRMFILEPROCESS Specifies whether the MOVE DRMEDIA or QUERY DRMEDIA command processes files associated with a device type of file.
SET DRMINSTRPREFIX Specifies the prefix portion of the path name for the recovery plan instructions.
SET DRMPLANVPOSTFIX Specifies the replacement volume names in the recovery plan file.
SET DRMPLANPREFIX Specifies the prefix portion of the path name for the recovery plan.
SET DRMPRIMSTGPOOL Specifies that primary storage pools are managed by DRM.
SET DRMRPFEXPIREDAYS Set criteria for recovery plan file expiration.
SET DRMVAULTNAME Specifies the name of the vault where DRM media is stored.
SET DRMNOTMOUNTABLENAME Specifies the location name of the DRM media to be sent offsite.