Repairing storage pools from a target replication server

If files, directories, or storage pools on a source replication server are damaged, you can repair deduplicated data extents in a directory-container storage pool on the source replication server from a target replication server.

Before you begin

Evaluate your storage environment to determine whether outages, network issues, or hardware failures are causing damage to data or causing the data to appear damaged. If issues in your environment are causing damage to data, identify and resolve the issues.

Ensure that there is enough available space in the directory-container storage pool for the recovered data. The PREVIEW=YES parameter in the REPAIR STGPOOL command specifies how much data will be repaired. If there is not enough space, use the DEFINE STGPOOLDIRECTORY command to provision space.

About this task

Use the procedure to repair the following types of damage:
  • Minor damage that is caused by accidental deletion of files or directories, overwritten files, accidental changes in file permissions, or disk errors caused by hardware issues.
  • Moderate damage that is caused by disk errors or disk mount errors. This type of damage results in the loss of one or more directories, but not a loss of the entire storage pool.
Damaged deduplicated extents are repaired with extents that were protected to the target replication server.
Restriction: You can issue the REPAIR STGPOOL command for a specified storage pool only if you already copied the data to another storage pool on a target replication server by using the PROTECT STGPOOL command.
When you repair a directory-container storage pool from a replication server, the REPAIR STGPOOL command fails if any of the following conditions occur:
  • The target replication server is unavailable.
  • The target storage pool is damaged.
  • A network outage occurs.


  1. If you suspect minor damage, issue the AUDIT CONTAINER command for the container storage pool at the directory level to identify inconsistencies between the database and the directory-container storage pool. By identifying the damaged data extents in the directory-container storage pool, you can determine which data extents to repair. To conserve time and resources, audit only containers that you suspect are damaged. If you suspect that your directory-container storage pool has more serious damage, issue the AUDIT CONTAINER command at the storage pool level.
    For example, to audit a directory, n:\pooldir, in a storage pool that is named STGPOOL1, issue the following command:
    audit container stgpool=stgpool1 stgpooldirectory=n:\pooldir
    To audit a storage pool that is named STGPOOL1, issue the following command:
    audit container stgpool=stgpool1

    The audit process might run for several hours.

  2. To repair a directory-container storage pool, issue the REPAIR STGPOOL command and specify the SRCLOCATION=REPLSERVER parameter. For example, to repair a storage pool that is named STGPOOL1 from a replication server, issue the following command:
    repair stgpool stgpool1 srclocation=replserver

    When you issue the REPAIR STGPOOL command, the damaged extents are deleted from the volume immediately after they are repaired. The damaged extents are not retained according to the value specified by the REUSEDELAY parameter.

  3. Identify any additional damaged extents by issuing the QUERY DAMAGED command.
  4. If damage is detected and deduplicated extents cannot be repaired from the replication server, it is still possible that they will be repaired. In some cases, the client node resends data during a backup operation and the damaged extents are repaired. Wait two backup cycles to allow client backup operations to occur. After two backup cycles, complete the following steps:
    1. To confirm that the damage is repaired, reissue the QUERY DAMAGED command.
    2. If an entire storage pool directory is damaged, create a new replacement storage pool directory using the DEFINE STGPOOLDIRECTORY command.
    3. To remove objects that refer to damaged data, issue the AUDIT CONTAINER command and specify the ACTION=REMOVEDAMAGED parameter.
      For example, to audit a directory-container storage pool that is named STGPOOL1 and remove damaged objects, issue the following command:
      audit container stgpool=stgpool1 action=removedamaged
    4. Optionally, issue the DELETE STGPOOLDIRECTORY command to delete the empty storage pool directory that you replaced with a new directory in step 4.b.

What to do next

If you continue to detect damaged data over time, issue the AUDIT CONTAINER command for the directory-container storage pool to determine whether there is more widespread damage. For example, to audit a storage pool that is named STGPOOL1, issue the following command:
audit container stgpool=stgpool1