Managing participants

Use the PARTICIPANTS AND GROUPS MANAGEMENT page to manage the members of your test team in IBM MobileFirst™ Quality Assurance.

Participants of a team have the initial access to participate in testing projects. You can work with your participants in one large list, or you can create smaller groups with subsets of the participants in your overall list.

In versions of MobileFirst Quality Assurance before version 7.0, you managed teams and participants on the Team page. Beginning with version 7.0, use the PARTICIPANTS AND GROUPS MANAGEMENT page to manage teams and participants.


  1. From the main navigation, select Management > Participants to open the PARTICIPANTS AND GROUPS MANAGEMENT page. Information that is on the PARTICIPANTS AND GROUPS MANAGEMENT page is presented in a tabular format. Use the information that is shown in the tables to manage the members of your test team.
  2. Select the tab for the information that you would like to view from the following options:
    The PARTICIPANTS tab contains a list of users who have permissions for this app. To send an email to a user or tester, click their name. It also lists the groups to which that user is assigned. The following actions are available on this tab:
    • Add participants to the app. You can click Add Participants to add an email address to the list of participants.
    • Add a user to a group. You can add a user to a new or existing group by clicking the plus (+) symbol beside the group listing of that user. If the group does not exist, it is automatically created.
    • Remove a user from a group. You can remove a user from a group by clicking the minus (-) symbol beside to the group name for that user.
    • Remove a user from having the list for that app. You can click Remove to remove the user in that row from having any access to the app. When users are removed from the app, they are automatically removed from any groups to which they were a member.
    The GROUPS tab contains a list of the groups that are identified to organize the participants. The groups can be used to categorize the participants by roles and permissions. The following actions are available on this tab:
    • Create a group. You can click Add Groups to create a new group and add the email addresses of the participants in that group.
    • Edit a group. You can click Edit in the row with the group that you want to change. You can change the group name, delete the group, or modify the members of the group.
    The WAITING LIST tab displays the users who requested to be added to your app and test group. An administrator must approve each request before the requested participant is granted access, unless auto-approval is on. The following actions are available on this tab:
    • Turn auto-approval on and off. When the switch is on, requests to participate in the testing are automatically approved. When the switch is off, an administrator must manually grant permission for a requester to be added to the list.
    • Grant or deny approval for pending requests. When the auto-approval switch is off, the administrator must approve or decline requests to be added to the participant list. For more information about how to use the Waiting List API, see Enabling participation requests.