setBPMVirtualHost command

Use the setBPMVirtualHost command to create or update an IBM BPM virtual host. In stand-alone environments, such as IBM BPM Express and the unit test environment of IBM Integration Designer, the value of the IBM BPM virtual host is set immediately when you run the command. In network deployment (ND) environments, the value of the IBM BPM virtual host is set when the next node synchronization occurs. For both stand-alone and ND environments, it is not necessary to restart the server or cluster after running the command.

The setBPMVirtualHost command is run using the AdminTask object of the wsadmin scripting client.


The following conditions must be met:

  • In IBM BPM Standard and IBM BPM Advanced, the command must be run on the deployment manager node. In IBM BPM Express, the command must be run on the stand-alone server.
  • If the deployment manager or stand-alone server is stopped, use the wsadmin -conntype none option to run the command in disconnected mode (which is the recommended mode for this command).
  • If the deployment manager or stand-alone server is running, you must connect with a user ID that has WebSphere Application Server configurator privileges. Do not use the wsadmin -conntype none option.


Start the wsadmin scripting client from the profile_root/bin directory. The setBPMVirtualHost command does not write to a log file, but the wsadmin scripting client always writes a profile_root/logs/wsadmin.traceout log file where you will find exception stack traces and other information.


[-de deployment_environment_name]
-name virtual_host_name
[-transportProtocol virtual_host_transport_protocol]
[-hostname virtual_host_hostname]
[-port virtual_host_port]
[-uriPrefix virtual_host_URI_prefix]


-de deployment_environment_name
A parameter that specifies the name of the current deployment environment. If there is only one deployment environment in the WebSphere cell, you can omit this parameter.
-name virtual_host_name
A required parameter that specifies the name of a new IBM BPM virtual host that you want to create or the name of an existing IBM BPM virtual host that you want to update.
-transportProtocol virtual_host_transport_protocol
An optional parameter that specifies the transport protocol for the IBM BPM virtual host. The default value is https.
-hostname virtual_host_hostname
An optional parameter that specifies the host name for the IBM BPM virtual host. If you are modifying an existing IBM BPM virtual host, you can omit the -hostname parameter. However, if you are creating a new IBM BPM virtual host, you must specify the parameter. By default, the parameter is unset.
-port virtual_host_port
An optional parameter that specifies the port number for the IBM BPM virtual host. This parameter should only be used to specify a port that is not the default port for the specified protocol. For example, if the specified protocol is https, then this parameter should only be used to specify a port that is not the default port 443. The default value is -1. If the default value -1 is set, the generated URLs will use the default port number for the specified protocol (which is 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS).

IBM BPM version 8570 cumulative fix 2016.09If the port parameter value is -1 or the actual default port number for the specified protocol, the port number is not included in the generated URL. For example, the generated URL would be https://my_host/ProcessCenter rather than the URL https://my_host:443/ProcessCenter.

-uriPrefix virtual_host_URI_prefix
An optional parameter that specifies the URI prefix for the IBM BPM virtual host. This parameter is typically only used when you have an intermediate networking device between the client and server that requires a URI prefix to be added to client requests. By default, this parameter is unset. If a value is set, then it will be included between the port and context root for a URL (as shown in the examples). If the configured URI prefix does not include a leading forward slash character (/), then the character will be added.
Note: At least one of the optional parameters should be specified, but it is not enforced. To change the existing value to the default value for the transportProtocol, port, and uriPrefix optional parameters, specify the parameter but omit the value. An example is provided in the following section. Although an empty string ('') is treated as if no value is set, its use is not recommended.


Note: The examples are for illustrative purposes only. They include variable values and are not meant to be reused as snippets of code.
  • The following Jython example uses the setBPMVirtualHost command to reset the existing value for the uriPrefix parameter:
    AdminTask.setBPMVirtualHost( [ '-name', 'myVirtualHost', '-uriPrefix' ] )
  • The following Jython example uses the setBPMVirtualHost command to create or update an IBM BPM virtual host:
    wsadmin -user admin -password admin -lang jython
    wsadmin>AdminTask.setBPMVirtualHost(['-de', 'De1', '-name', 'myVirtualHost', '-transportProtocol', 'https', '-hostname', 'myHostName', '-port', '9443', '-uriPrefix', 'myURIPrefix'])

    When the virtual host created by the above command syntax is used in the Process Center web module lookup, the following URL is the result:


  • The following Jython example uses the setBPMVirtualHost command to update the host name to myHostName and removes any previously set port value:
    wsadmin -user admin -password admin -lang jython
    wsadmin>AdminTask.setBPMVirtualHost(['-de', 'De1', '-name', 'myVirtualHost', '-hostname', 'myHostName', '-port'])