Preparing for migration

Before you begin the migration procedure, verify that your target migration environment is supported and that your source migration environment is ready to be migrated.
Figure 1. Sample environment before migration begins. The source environment is running and transferring data to and from its databases. The deployment environment has three clusters and is configured across two nodes.
The details of the diagram are provided in the figure caption.

Before you begin

Make sure that you apply the latest fix pack before you migrate and that you are migrating from WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0.0.5.


  1. Verify that your target migration environment, including hardware, operating systems, and database prerequisites, is a supported operating environment for IBM® Business Monitor V8.5.7. See IBM Business Monitor and WebSphere Business Monitor detailed system requirements.
    Tip: If the database requirements have changed, move to the new database version and make sure that IBM Business Monitor is working correctly before you proceed with the migration.
  2. Before you start the migration, make sure that the source environment is running correctly.
    • Make sure that all the Java virtual machines (JVMs) in the source system start without errors. When you do so, check the SystemOut.log files of the deployment manager, node agents, application server clusters, and non-clustered servers, even if they are not going to be migrated. You must especially solve any configuration-specific problems before migrating.
    • Make sure that the proxy server or HTTP server is running correctly.
    • Make sure that all the monitor models in the source environment started successfully and can receive events correctly.
  3. If you are using queue-based event delivery, you must switch to table-based event delivery before you migrate. For instructions, see Receiving events in Business Monitor.
  4. If there are failed events or failed event sequences, make sure all failed events and failed event sequences are handled before migrating. For instructions about how to manage failed events, see Managing failed event sequences and unrecoverable events.
  5. Record the remote Common Event Infrastructure (CEI) information that is configured in the source environment, including host name and port. If you want to reuse the same remote CEI event sources as you used in the source environment, you will need this information to create the remote CEI event sources after migration. For example, see step 4 in Configuring IBM Business Monitor to work with IBM Business Process Manager. To view the CEI configuration for monitor models, see Change CEI configuration settings in the V7.0 documentation.
  6. Have your database administrator (DBA) make a backup copy of your database before you attempt to migrate.
    • If the Business Space tables are in the IBM Business Monitor database, the DBA must back up the IBM Business Monitor database.
    • If the Business Space tables are in their own database, have the DBA also make a backup of this database before migration. You can use the existing database in the IBM Business Monitor V8.5.7 environment.
    • If the Business Space tables are in the IBM Business Process Manager common database (CMNDB), have the DBA make a clone of the common database with a different name and use the clone in the IBM Business Monitor V8.5.7 environment. Because this database is a clone, you can remove tables that are not Business Space tables. The default schema name is IBMBUSSP. To safely remove tables, however, you must determine the schema name that was used by the common database (CMNDB) and remove only those tables.