Extending a network deployment environment using the Deployment Environment wizard

After you have created a deployment environment, you can run the Deployment Environment wizard at a later time to extend the deployment environment, for example to add or remove cluster members on existing nodes.

About this task

The easiest way to expand your infrastructure is to add more cluster members to your existing clusters. You can add cluster members to each cluster independently or in combination, depending on where you see the need for growth. By expanding your clusters this way you can improve your application throughput, your message throughput, or both.
Tip: The Deployment Environment wizard cannot create new nodes, so the nodes for the new cluster members must already exist. To create a new node, start the deployment manager and then, on the managed node's computer, create the managed node profile using either the BPMConfig -create -profile command, or the manageprofiles command, or the Profile Management Tool.


  1. Log into the administrative console. Ensure that the user has appropriate privileges to update the deployment environment.
  2. Choose one of the following options.
    • To add a cluster member to the deployment environment:
      1. Click Servers > Deployment Environments > deployment_environment_name > cluster_name > Cluster members.
      2. Click New to add a cluster member. (You can also select a cluster member and then click Delete to delete it.)
    • To add multiple cluster members on one or multiple nodes at once:
      1. Click Servers > Deployment Environments > deployment_environment_name > Deployment Topology.
      2. Select the node of the new cluster member or cluster members and click Add.
      3. Select the number of cluster members that you want to create for each cluster.
      The new cluster members are named clusterName.nodeName.index and are given unique port assignments.