Re-enabling HTTP access in IBM BPM V8.5.7.0

If you have programmatic clients that use non-secure HTTP to connect to IBM® Business Process Manager and these clients cannot be modified immediately to use secure HTTPS, you can re-enable HTTP access in IBM BPM temporarily.
Note: It is recommended that you do not switch to HTTP because it makes IBM BPM less secure.


  1. Stop the Process Center environment. In a network deployment environment, stop the deployment manager and the nodes.
  2. Update the following server settings with the wsadmin AdminConfig commands.
    1. Start the wsadmin scripting tool. To start wsadmin using the Jython language, run the following command from the bin directory of the IBM BPM installation:
      wsadmin -conntype NONE -lang jython -profileName profileName

      For IBM BPM Express, profileName is the name of the stand-alone profile (and may be omitted if this is the only profile). For IBM BPM Standard and IBM BPM Advanced, profileName is the name of the deployment manager profile.

    2. Get the Process Center configuration of the application cluster.
      • For a clustered environment, specify the following command syntax:
        wsadmin> pc = AdminConfig.getid("/Cell:/ServerCluster:application_cluster_name/BPMClusterConfigExtension:/BPMProcessCenter:/")
      • For a stand-alone environment, specify the following command syntax:
        wsadmin> pc = AdminConfig.getid("/Cell:/Node:node_name/Server:server_name/BPMServerConfigExtension:/BPMProcessCenter:/")
    3. Update the useHTTPSURLPrefixes property:
      wsadmin> AdminConfig.modify(pc, [['useHTTPSURLPrefixes', 'false']])
    4. Verify your updates:
      wsadmin> print
    5. Save the changes and exit:
      wsadmin> exit
  3. Stop the Process Server environment. In a network deployment environment, stop the deployment manager and the nodes.
  4. Update the following server settings with the wsadmin AdminConfig commands.
    1. Start the wsadmin scripting tool. To start wsadmin using the Jython language, run the following command from the bin directory of the IBM BPM installation:
      wsadmin -conntype NONE -lang jython -profileName profileName

      For IBM BPM Express, profileName is the name of the stand-alone profile (and may be omitted if this is the only profile). For IBM BPM Standard and IBM BPM Advanced, profileName is the name of the deployment manager profile.

    2. Get the Process Server configuration of the application cluster.
      • For a clustered environment, specify the following command syntax:
        wsadmin> ps = AdminConfig.getid("/Cell:/ServerCluster:application_cluster_name/BPMClusterConfigExtension:/BPMProcessServer:/")
      • For a stand-alone environment, specify the following command syntax:
        wsadmin> ps = AdminConfig.getid("/Cell:/Node:node_name/Server:server_name/BPMServerConfigExtension:/BPMProcessServer:/")
    3. Update the useHTTPSURLPrefixes property:
      wsadmin> AdminConfig.modify(ps, [['useHTTPSURLPrefixes', 'false']])
    4. Verify your updates:
      wsadmin> print
    5. Save the changes and exit:
      wsadmin> exit