bpcTemplates.jacl administrative script

Use the bpcTemplates.jacl administrative script to start, stop, undeploy, or list all process and task templates that belong to an application.


The following conditions must be met:


The bpcTemplates.jacl administrative script is in the Business Process Choreographer admin directory.


-f bpcTemplates.jacl
  -stop application_name
  -start application_name
  -list [application_name]
  -uninstall application_name


-stop application_name
Stops all templates that belong to the named application.
-start application_name
Starts all templates that belong to the named application.
-list [application_name]
If you specify the optional application name, application_name, only templates belonging to that application are listed. Otherwise, the default is to list all templates belonging to all applications.
-uninstall application_name
This specifies the name of the application to be undeployed. Do not use this option for applications that were deployed using the Process Center.
This option causes any running instances to be stopped and deleted before the application is undeployed. Use this option with care because it also deletes all of the data associated with the running instances.


When listing templates, the list includes the time from when each template is valid:

Found 5 template(s):
JavaSnippetsApp: Process template Process_A, valid from 2008-12-17T11:36:00 (UTC)
JavaSnippetsApp: Process template Process_B, valid from 2008-12-17T11:36:00 (UTC)
OrderProcessingApp: Process template ChargingProcess, valid from 2009-04-03T19:52:54 (UTC)
OrderProcessingApp: Process template OrderProcess, valid from 2009-04-03T19:52:54 (UTC)
OrderProcessingApp: Process template ShippingProcess, valid from 2009-04-03T19:52:54 (UTC)