Object dispositions

You can specify the disposition of the object with which you need to work. The disposition signifies where the object definition is kept, and how the object behaves.

The disposition is significant only if you are working with any of the following object types:
  • queues
  • channels
  • processes
  • namelists
  • storage classes
  • authentication information objects

If you are working with other object types, the disposition is disregarded.

Permitted values are:
QMGR. The object definitions are on the page set of the queue manager and are accessible only by the queue manager.
COPY. The object definitions are on the page set of the queue manager and are accessible only by the queue manager. They are local copies of objects defined as having a disposition of GROUP.
PRIVATE. The object definitions are on the page set of the queue manager and are accessible only by the queue manager. The objects have been defined as having a disposition of QMGR or COPY.
GROUP. The object definitions are in the shared repository, and are accessible by all queue managers in the queue-sharing group.
SHARED. This disposition applies only to local queues. The queue definitions are in the shared repository, and are accessible by all queue managers in the queue-sharing group.
ALL. If the action queue manager is either the target queue manager, or *, objects of all dispositions are included; otherwise, objects of QMGR and COPY dispositions only are included. This is the default.