Using WebSphere MQ environment variables

This section describes the environment variables that you can use with WebSphere® MQ MQI client applications.

You can use environment variables in the following ways:
  • Set the variables in your system profile to make a permanent change
  • Issue a command from the command line to make a change for this session only
  • To give one or more variables a particular value dependent on the application that is running, add commands to a command script file used by the application

WebSphere MQ uses default values for those variables that you have not set.

Commands are available on all the WebSphere MQ MQI client platforms unless otherwise stated.

For each environment variable, use the command relevant to your platform to display the current setting or to reset the value of a variable.

For example:

Setting or resetting the value of an environment variable

Effect Command
Windows UNIX and Linux® systems
Removes the variable SET MQSERVER= unset MQSERVER
Displays the current setting SET MQSERVER echo $MQSERVER
Displays all environment variables for the session set set

For information about the individual variables, see the following subtopics: