System requirements

Ensure that all computers meet the hardware and software requirements for the product.

Because other products frequently ship fixes, updates, and new releases, every possible configuration cannot be tested. In general, you can install and run with updates to supported products if those updates are forward-compatible.

Your entitlement to support, if any, is dependent upon your license and maintenance agreements for IBM® InfoSphere® Global Name Management , and is limited to your use of the relevant prerequisite with a supported product.

Software requirements

To obtain the most current information about the software installation requirements, see the system requirements on

Note: Verify installation of appropriate system support components. Global Name Management components are built with specific compiler levels so the support files for those compiler levels must be present for these components to operate correctly. The compiler levels are included in the platform names (such as rhel6-gcc44-release and win-vc12-release).

Hardware requirements

Hardware requirements vary for IBM InfoSphere Global Name Management and depend on the network and the client workstations and server machines that run the applications. Review the following information to better understand the requirements for client workstations and search server machines.