Windows operating systemsLinux operating systems


Use the fbreposlocation option with the backup fastback or archive fastback commands.

The fbreposlocation option specifies the location of the Tivoli® Storage Manager FastBack repository for the backup-archive client proxy to connect to issue Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack shell commands necessary to mount appropriate snapshots.

Linux operating systemsThis option is required on Linux systems. There is no default location.

Linux operating systemsIt you specify the fbreposlocation option for a snapshot on the FastBack server, use the server_name@WORKGROUP format.

Linux operating systemsThere are two ways to specify the FastBack repository location on the FastBack Disaster Recovery Hub:
  • Specify the complete repository location via the option -fbreposlocation=\\DR_Hub\rep_server. When using this format, DR_Hub is the FastBack Disaster Recovery Hub machine name and rep_server is the name of the replicated FastBack server repository on the DR Hub.
  • Specify the repository location using a combination of the -fbreposlocation= and -fbbranch options. When using this format, specify the DR Hub repository the location via the option -fbreposlocation=DR_Hub@WORKGROUP, and specify the name of the replicated FastBack server repository on the DR Hub using the -fbranch option.

Windows operating systemsOn Windows systems, you do not need to specify the fbreposlocation option when the backup-archive client is installed on a DR Hub server or the FastBack server workstation. When the backup-archive client is installed on a dedicated client proxy, the repository location fbreposlocation option is required.

Windows operating systemsIf you specify the fbreposlocation option for the FastBack Disaster Recovery Hub, specify only the base directory of the DR Hub repository with this option. Then use the fbbranch option to indicate the Branch ID of the server to back up. If you specify the fbreposlocation option for the FastBack server, use the format \\<fbserver>\REP. In this case, do not use the fbbranch option.

Linux operating systemsIf you use the format -fbr=\\<fbserver>\REP, specify two backslashes before <fbserver> and one backslash before REP when using the backup-archive client in interactive mode. If you are using this format as a Linux command dsmc backup fastback -fbr=\\\\<fbserver>\\REP, you must specify four backslashes before <fbserver> and two backslashes before REP. This is because the Linux shell interprets a backslash as an escape character; the first backslash is treated as an escape character for the following backslash.

Supported Clients

Linux operating systemsThis option is valid for Linux x86_64 clients.

Windows operating systemsThis option is valid for all Windows clients.

Options File

None. You can specify this option only on the command line. The server can also define or override this option.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramFBReposlocationrepository_location


Specifies the Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack repository location.


Linux operating systemsCommand line:
Linux operating systems
dsmc backup fastback -fbpolicyname=Policy1 
  -fbclientname=fbclient1,fbclient2  -fbserver=myFbDrHub 
Note: Because Linux is supported only as a dedicated proxy configuration, a repository location is always required on Linux.
Linux operating systemsCommand line:
Linux operating systems
dsmc backup fastback -fbpolicyname=Policy1 
  -fbclientname=fbclient1,fbclient2  -fbserver=myFbDrHub 
  -fbreposlocation=myFbDrHub  -fbbranch=rep_myFbServer
Note: Because Linux is supported only as a dedicated proxy configuration, a repository location is always required on Linux.
Windows operating systemsCommand line:
Windows operating systems

The fbreposlocation option is only required on a dedicated proxy machine. If the fbreposlocation option is specified on a machine where the FastBack server or FastBack Disaster Recovery Hub is installed, it is ignored.

Use this command when the IBM Spectrum Protect dedicated proxy client is connecting to a remote Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack server repository:

dsmc backup fastback -fbpolicyname="Policy 1" -fbserver=myFbServer 

A repository location is required.

myFbServer is the short host name of the machine where the FastBack server is installed.

Windows operating systemsCommand line:
Windows operating systems

Use this command when the IBM Spectrum Protect dedicated proxy client is connecting to a remote repository on the FastBack Disaster Recovery Hub:

dsmc backup fastback -fbpolicyname="Policy 1" -fbserver=myFbServer 

A repository location is required.

The myFbServer parameter specifies the short host name of the FastBack Server whose FastBack branch is specified using the FBBranch option.

The fbbranch option specifies the branch ID of the FastBack server on the disaster recovery hub.