Developing JAX-RPC web services

You can use the Java™ API for XML-based RPC (JAX-RPC) programming model to develop web services.


  1. Set up a development environment for web services. You do not have to set up a development environment if you are using Rational® Application Developer.
  2. Develop a service endpoint interface.
    The service endpoint interface defines the JavaBeans or enterprise beans methods for a particular web service. The JavaBeans must implement methods that have the same signature as the methods on the service endpoint interface.
  3. Develop the Java artifacts.
    1. Develop a WSDL file.
      The WSDL file is the description of a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) web service. For JAX-RPC applications, a WSDL file is required.
    2. Develop JAX-RPC deployment descriptors.
      Use the WSDL2Java command-line tool to create the deployment descriptor templates that are configured to map the service implementation to the JavaBeans or enterprise beans implementation.
  4. Complete the implementation of your web service application.
  5. Configure the webservices.xml deployment descriptor.
    For JAX-RPC web services, configure the webservices.xml deployment descriptor so that the application server can process the incoming web services requests.
  6. Configure the ibm-webservices-bnd.xmi deployment descriptor.
    Configure the ibm-webservices-bnd.xml deployment descriptor so that the application server can process the incoming web services requests.
  7. Assemble the artifacts for your web service.

    Use assembly tools provided with the application server to assemble your Java-based web services modules. If you have assembled an EAR file that contains enterprise beans modules that contain web services, use the endptEnabler command-line tool or an assembly tool before deployment to produce a web services endpoint WAR file. This tool is also used to specify whether the Web services are exposed using SOAP over Java Message Service (JMS) or SOAP over HTTP.

  8. Deploy the EAR file that has been configured and enabled for JAX-RPC web services onto the application server.