Publishing the WSDL files for a WS-Notification application to a compressed file

Use the administrative console to download a compressed file with a .zip file extension that contains the published WSDL files for a WS-Notification application.

About this task

The ability to publish these WSDL files to a compressed file is particularly useful in the following circumstances:
  • Writing a WS-Notification application that invokes web service operations against the NotificationBroker application.
  • Running the wsimport command against the exported PublisherRegistrationManager.wsdl file to generate a client stub for the PublisherRegistrationManager.
  • Viewing the endpoint URLs to which WS-Notification applications connect, by looking in the WSDL file for the NotificationBroker application for Version 7.0 services, or the inbound service for Version 6.1 services.

When you run the wsimport command against the exported PublisherRegistrationManager.wsdl file you must include the ibm-wsn-jaxws.xml file as an argument to wsimport. If you omit this bindings file, the wsimport command fails with a naming conflict error concerning the ResourceNotDestroyedFault elements referred to in the PublisherRegistrationManager.wsdl file. For more information about why this exception occurs, see a troubleshooting tip.

The ibm-wsn-jaxws.xml file is located in the app_server_root/util directory. For example: c:\was\util\ibm-wsn-jaxws.xml. This bindings file expects to find the WSDL file to which it refers in the same directory as itself, so before you run the wsimport command you must copy the bindings file to the directory that holds your PublisherRegistrationManager.wsdl file. Here is an example of how to run the wsimport command to include the ibm-wsn-jaxws.xml file:
c:\was\bin\wsimport -b ibm-wsn-jaxws.xml -keep PublisherRegistrationManager.wsdl


  1. Start the administrative console.
  2. Navigate to the Publish WSDL files to .zip file [Settings] form for the WS-Notification application.
    For JAX-WS based Version 7.0 WS-Notification services, click one of the following paths:
    • Service integration -> WS-Notification -> Services -> service_name -> [Additional Properties] WS-Notification service points -> point_name -> [Additional Properties] Publish WSDL files to zip
    • Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Services] WS-Notification services -> service_name -> [Additional Properties] WS-Notification service points -> point_name -> [Additional Properties] Publish WSDL files to zip
    For JAX-RPC based Version 6.1 WS-Notification services, click one of the following paths:
    • Service integration -> WS-Notification -> Services -> service_name -> [Related Items] Notification broker inbound service settings > [Additional Properties] Publish WSDL files to ZIP file
    • Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Services] WS-Notification services -> service_name -> [Related Items] Notification broker inbound service settings > [Additional Properties] Publish WSDL files to ZIP file
  3. Click on the file name to download a zip file that contains the application's published WSDL files.