Interacting at run time with WS-Notification

View (and in some cases delete) at run time the active items associated with WS-Notification service points.

Before you begin

This task assumes that you have a fully configured and operational WS-Notification service point.

About this task

A WS-Notification service point defines access to a WS-Notification service on a given bus member through a specified web service binding (for example SOAP over HTTP). Applications use the bus members associated with the WS-Notification service point to connect to the WS-Notification service. The existence of a WS-Notification service point on a bus member implies that a WS-Notification web service is exposed from that bus member, and causes web service endpoints for the notification broker, subscription manager and publisher registration manager for this WS-Notification service to be exposed on the bus member with which the service point is associated. WS-Notification applications use these endpoints to interact with the WS-Notification service.

You can use the administrative console to interact at run time with the following active items associated with WS-Notification service points:

Publisher registrations
A runtime list of existing publisher registrations is provided. This includes, for each publisher registration, the information that was used to create it and when it will terminate.
Pull points
A runtime list is provided of the pull points that have been created. This includes, for each pull point, its current termination time and a link to the associated subscription.
A runtime view is provided for subscriptions that have been created by applications. This includes, for each subscription, the information that was used to create it and an indication of its current state.
Administered subscribers
A runtime list is provided of the administered subscribers for a given WS-Notification service point. This includes, for each administered subscriber, an indication of its current state; for example whether the subscription was successfully initialized at start time.

For each WS-Notification service point, runtime information is available for subscriptions, registrations, pull points and administered subscribers. For each WS-Notification service, runtime information is available - aggregated for all service points for the service - for subscriptions, registrations and pull points. There is no aggregated view for administered subscribers at the WS-Notification service level.

To access and use the runtime information for active items associated with WS-Notification service points, use the administrative console to complete the following steps:


  1. Choose between information for a particular service point, or information aggregated for all service points for a particular service, by completing one of the following substeps:
    1. Optional: For runtime information for a particular service point, navigate to either Service integration -> WS-Notification -> Services -> service_name -> [Additional Properties] WS-Notification service points -> point_name or Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Services] WS-Notification services -> service_name -> [Additional Properties] WS-Notification service points -> point_name, then click the Runtime tab.
      A panel is displayed that contains links to runtime information about subscriptions, registrations, pull points and administered subscribers for this WS-Notification service point.
    2. Optional: For runtime information aggregated for all service points for a particular service, navigate to either Service integration -> WS-Notification -> Services -> service_name or Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Services] WS-Notification services -> service_name then click the Runtime tab.
      A panel is displayed that contains links to runtime information about subscriptions, registrations and pull points for this WS-Notification service.
  2. Click Subscriptions , Publisher registrations, Pull points or (for a particular service point) Administered subscribers.
    • If you click Subscriptions, a panel is displayed that lists the durable subscriptions that have been created by a WS-Notification service point in response to Subscribe requests from WS-Notification applications. You can view the subscription name (ID), topic and other information associated with the subscription, and you can view messages held on the durable subscription pending delivery. You can also delete subscriptions.
      Note: Both the WS-Notification subscription and publisher registration resources include the concept of scheduled termination, in which the application indicates a period of time after which the resource is destroyed. Badly-behaved in this case describes an application that requests an infinite lifetime for a resource and then does not explicitly delete the resource before it goes away (never to return).
    • If you click Publisher registrations, a panel is displayed that lists the publisher registrations that are currently in effect on this WS-Notification service or service point (that is, applications that have registered as publishers). You can view the basic properties of the registration record. You can also delete a publisher registration record.
    • If you click Pull points, a panel is displayed that lists the pull points that are currently active on this WS-Notification service or service point. You can view basic properties of the pull point such as the subscription with which it is associated and the time at which it is currently set to expire, and you can navigate to the associated subscriptions where appropriate. You can also delete pull points.
    • For a particular service point, if you click Administered subscribers, a panel is displayed that lists the administered subscribers that are currently in effect on this WS-Notification service point. You can use this information to see whether a given subscriber has been successfully initialized.