CSL4202W RLBK done; psbname; aibrc; aibrsn; aiberrxt; reasontext; lastrqst; psbtoken; iconsocketlogontoken; clienttype; clientmembername; clientjob; imsid; externalclientid.


The CSL4202W message is issued after the CSL4201W message indicates a rollback was successful, and DIAGDPSBMSG=SHORT is specified in the CSLDCxxx member.

The values returned on the message are in the following order:
  • aibrc: the AIB return code for the DPSB request.
  • aibrsn: the AIB reason code for the DPSB request.
  • aiberrxt: the AIB error extension returned for the DPSB request.
  • reasontext: The reason text that triggered the internal DPSB request.
  • lastrqst: Last request that ODBM received from the application program, this request may have been in progress when the error occurred that triggered the DPSB call.
  • psbtoken: PSB token associated to the PSB and DPSB request.
  • iconsocketlogontoken: ICON Socket logon token that can identify the user application program that resulted in the internal DPSB request.
  • clienttype: Client type.
  • clientmembername: Client name that was used to register to SCI.
  • clientjobname: Client job name.
  • imsid: The IMSid ODBM is connected to.
  • externameclientid: The first 24 bytes of the external client id that identifies the client.

System action

IMS did a ROLLBACK and prevented a U210 abend.

Operator response

Notify the Application programmer of the contents of the CSL4202W message.

Programmer response

Find the application that resulted in the error and make changes based on the reason code. ODBM Timeout or PORT Timeout values may need to be changed or look at the application why it terminated without a COMMIT or ROLLBACK call.
